Whew, this week is flying by like a blur. Much like yesterday, there's not much "new" to talk about but we still have enough speculation and clarifications to talk about. Day 3 of E3 coverage has been mostly about showing off gameplay footage for most of the newly announced games for next gen consoles.

First things first, let's talk about last night's topic that seems to be blowing up around the Internet over the last 24 hours.

Microsoft's rep says, "Stick with the Xbox 360 if you can't deal with the Xbox One's online requirements."

Microsoft's Don Mattrick clearly states in an interview before Microsoft's conference on Monday that if players have an issue with the Xbox One being always online to "stick with the Xbox 360" if you prefer to have an offline device. While I agree with the majority opinion that this was an asinine and pretty damn arrogant statement to make prior at the start of E3 week, especially when you are looking to draw as many consumers as possible to your new product, but at the same time, people are blowing this WAY out of proportion, much like the rest of the news from this week so far.

While Microsoft are essentially telling you to go buy a PlayStation 4, there is no doubt that their loyalists will not be fazed by this statement. Everyone else seems to be using this statement to fuel their hatred and the catalyst to make them jump ship towards the PS4.

That's all well and good but this guy does have a point:

"You realize that if you lost power.. You can’t play your offline ps4 either.

If you travel. Most hotels have complimentary wifi. Besides the amount of people who travel with their systems is probably not a large number.

And love it or hate it. But the check in serves a point.

All discs must be downloaded to the HDD (granted they could have not made that mandatory and fixed this issue but they didn’t)

This means that theoretically you could install the disc, and then give the disc to someone else while continuing to play that game. The check in is there so that if you get rid of your disc, they can make sure you still aren’t playing it.

It makes perfect sense.

If you don’t understand that. Or don’t like that.. then don’t buy it.

I for one love the idea because I no longer have to store my collection of dusty disc cases everywhere. Or search through mounds of cases hoping to find an interesting game to play or to find that rogue disc that somehow ended up in the wrong case.

Also my kids are rough with my discs. Countless amounts of discs I have had to buff out or completely replace due to improper handling by my children. So this saves me that hassle.

No instead I get to scroll through my available games in an organized digital library.

All in all. I’m not stating that you have to like the concept. If you don’t like it then get the ps4! Its a great system as well!

I just know that for me. When weighing the pros and cons= I have no complaint with the xbox one.

I will probably end up with both consoles so that I can play all the exclusives anyways." -- via Jimmy Stininger

There you have it, folks. Something to think about.

To be honest, I like his idea - own both and be able to play everything I want without flaming the other side of the fence when I can't play exclusives. There's enough hate going around already in the FGC about Killer Instinct being a Xbox One exclusive that it disgusts me deeply.

Xbox One's Terms of Service Prevent Case-Action Lawsuits

Gamespot: "By agreeing to the Xbox One terms of service, consumers will waive their right to launch a class-action lawsuit against the company, Microsoft has confirmed.

"Terms include binding arbitration with class-action waiver to resolve disputes," a new Xbox One policy document reads.

Microsoft originally updated its Xbox Live terms of service in October 2011 to forbid class-action suits. Today's news is confirmation that the policy will remain in place going forward.

Microsoft is not the only major game maker to forbid class-action lawsuits. Sony's PlayStation terms of service restrict gamers from suing the company en masse, while Valve also blocks class-action suits.

It is unclear if Sony has updated its terms of service with the PlayStation 4 launching this year. A company representative had not responded to a request for comment."

I saw one of my friends link this on Facebook and naturally I read this article. Big freaking deal.

Sony is already in the lead in this console war, so why is everyone looking for everything and anything negative-related to Microsoft?

If you don't like the Xbox One then DON'T BUY IT!

End of story.

To be honest, you lose cool points from me in the first place if you take anything Gamespot and Kotaku say as pure fact. Those guys are pretty much the nerd culture equivalent of the National Inquirer or any other major news tabloid, spilling out bullshit just because the average toolbox will read it and consider it to be fact.

The PlayStation 4 is Region-Free

I find it pretty hard to believe that I have many friends who own a PlayStation 3 and don't take advantage of this simple, yet easy to overlook feature. Do you guys know how many import games I could be playing on PS3 if I had that console like you guys?? Without regional locking, PlayStation owners can play any country's version of PlayStation 3 or 4's games without consequence. Oh, your favorite game isn't going to release to your country? Okay, I'll import the international version and enjoy it just like everyone else.

Seriously though, Sony's Japanese market LOVES this feature for the PlayStation 3, so it's no surprise that this is not going to change for the PlayStation 4.

Sony is Leaving DRM to the Developers

I have some bad news for you guys thinking that you are getting away from DRM by choosing the PlayStation 4. Sony is leaving that up to the developers. So if you think for one second that greedy developers and publishers like EA won't slap that paywall in your face before you can play that shiny new used game, then think again. It didn't stop EA from charging people for the Cerberus Network on used copies of Mass Effect 2, what's going to stop them (or any other company for that matter) from doing it on next gen, even though they have openly stated that they are doing away with their online pass practices. As much as Ubisoft watches people and shoves that UPlay stuff down your throat for almost every game they release, I would not be surprised if they are the first to start charging a fee for used games. With all of their annual releases with Assassins' Creed and the everlasting source of Tom Clancy games, it would not be hard to imagine that they would want to make a profit off your used games.

New Reveals:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (Xbox 360 & PS3) and Deus Ex: The Fall (Mobile)

Boy, I gotta feel bad for Nintendo. They can't keep their so-called exclusives long at all. First it was Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge now this. I might actually pick up this version for my collection if it comes with all of the DLC content from the original.

Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns

I played and finished Final Fantasy XIII and was personally satisfied with the story ending there. Then comes  XIII-2 and almost everyone I know who bought that game didn't even dare nor attempted to finish XIII prior to picking up the sequel. I decided not to pick it up at all and I honestly seriously doubt I will try this one, even though I did like Lightning as a protagonist, but Fang was the coolest character to come out of XIII if you ask me. Plus, if I'm honest, I think Lightning wouldn't be so damn moody if she was getting laid or in a relationship like her sister was. Oh boy, I could go on with how I thought XIII's cast were a bunch of pedophiles, but again, that's a story for another day...

Okay, okay. One more thing to add about XIII - you had to be retarded if you didn't get that Fang and Vanille were in a lesbian romance. It was written all over their faces. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way in the least, but the sheer amount of people who don't see that amazes me.

Injustice: Gods Among Us Welcomes General Zod to the roster

If you have seen the leaked list over a month ago and in my review of the game, then this is NO surprise here. If I bought that Season Pass, I would be so mad right now if I were you guys...

I hope you guys are looking forward to purchasing that second Season Pass just to play as Sub-Zero, Red Hood (Jason Todd), Power Girl, and Martian Manhunter. At this rate, those leaked rumors are really looking like reality.

General Zod was revealed tonight on Conan's talkshow in a segment called the "Clueless Gamer" where they review the game. Conan also confirmed that his own comic book hero, "The Flaming C" will be a future DLC costume for Superman. General Zod will be available for purchase sometime in July.

Conan's "The Flaming C"

Massive New Details for Pokemon X | Y

Complete breakdown of yesterday's trailer along with some new information for those interested.

Gameplay Presentations:

Batman: Arkham Origins (Multi-Platform)

WB Montreal seems to have a lot of gameplay footage to go around for E3. I guess that's a good thing since they want to restore players' faith in this prequel even though Rocksteady aren't behind this one. I'm still not pre-ordering nor buying at launch as every single one of these games re-release a few months later with a Game of the Year edition with all of the DLC bundled together for a same damn price. I will not deny that it's shaping up nicely so far, but I'm going to rent this first before buying.

Batman Meets Bane & The Joker

I wonder how many uses or how frequently you can use the new Remote Claw. As it stands that gadget seems pretty overpowered. I hope they don't give you that too early in the game as I can see that gadget making the rest the game a cakewalk in comparison. 

Bane's back in this one? (Yawns) Meh, whatever... The Joker too? Not like we didn't see that one coming... 

14 Min. Gameplay Demo

Not even a mere two minutes in, I saw what I wanted to see change from Arkham Asylum to Arkham City in terms of combat. The BatClaw can be used without delay in combat without that huge recovery. It came out fast and fluid. Didn't slow Bats at all in combat. The new armored thug seems like an evolution of the Lieutenants in Arkham City and I doubt they will change combat that much. It's still the usual plan -Super Cape stun then deliver a beatdown to break their armor. I was hoping for a new special takedown or something original to take care of these guys. Who knows, maybe they will deliver on that part with the new skill tree.

Ugh... I'd kill to be one of their gameplay playtesters and give them feedback on what keep or change in these games for the better.

I'm shocked to see Anarchy in this game, as it was looking like the average cookie cutter Batman game whereas we fight the same few rogues from the last two games.

The new Detective Mode looks cool, but I would like to suggest an improvement. As a handicap to punish those players who love to just walk around the ENTIRE game in Detective Mode, put a time limit on how long you can use it. Maybe a few seconds before it has to recharge since Bats is younger and not really up to date on his technology yet.

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

For those who care about frame speed this is running at 60fps, according to Platinum Games' blog. 

The touchscreen controls look like Easy Mode/Easy Auto for those who are not that seasoned in these type of games, but want to give it a fair shot. Like I mentioned yesterday, I'm still positive that this will be ported over to the other platforms. I know a LOT of people are still pissed at Platinum Games for making this an exclusive to the Wii U, but c'mon give Nintendo their moment in the sun. It's not that often they have a M-rated game on their console to begin with.

Beyond: Two Souls (PS3 & PS4)

Thank you, Sony. A bit more clarity on this damn game. The trailer during their conference made it look like this was going to be like Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell. Now that we got a bit more information here, it doesn't look like a clusterfuck of a narrative.

Bloodmasque (Mobile)

This hack and slash game comes from Square Enix and allows you to take photos of your face to personalize your vampire slayer in-game as you slaughter masses of vampires from France. Yeah, you read that right.

Call of Duty: Ghosts (Multi-Platform)

You guys already know whether or not you're going to get this or not before you even saw this footage. I will admit the gameplay with the dog looks pretty sweet. I'm glad I don't have to buy this as my older brother is already sold on purchasing it.

Destiny (PS3 & PS4)

I have to agree with the IGN guys here. This looks almost TOO much like Borderlands. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but sheesh, how do you guys tell all of these FPS games apart?

DuckTales Remastered (XBLA/PSN)

(Hums DuckTales cartoon theme) Yeah, I'm more likely going to pick this up, but in the meantime, I need to replay the NES original a few times to blow off the ring rust.

Infamous: Second Son (PS4)

The new protagonist's powers look a lot more bad ass than Cole's in the previous iterations. What is up with so many next generation games going with the "fucked up" future or "rise up against the government" hippy themes? That's starting to annoy me with this trend.

Killer Is Dead (Multi-Platform - set to release this summer)

You guys know that I'm a HUGE Suda51 mark, the mastermind behind the No More Heroes series, Shadows of the Damned, Killer7, and Lollipop Chainsaw. Well, here's his latest creation, Killer Is Dead.

E3 Trailer

Gameplay Demo

I already knew I was sold onto this game prior to E3 since my copy is still pre-ordered at Gamestop since the first reveal trailer back in 2012... This was just icing on the cake.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Multi-Platform)

I'm glad that LEGO could get all of Marvel's properties underneath a single roof even though their cinematic properties cannot manage to do that. This should be fun for all ages for sure.

LocoCycle (Xbox One)

Just looking at this in action, I can tell this is some crazy shit that I could see myself playing and having a blast with. I'm totally going to keep an eye out on this one.

Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

Nintendo knows this is going to sell like hotcakes without a shadow of a doubt. I mean really, who doesn't like Mario Kart?

Quantum Break (Xbox One)

I totally forgot to mention this during Microsoft's press conference. I apologize for taking two days to realize that. If you can freeze and alter time like this trailer shows, then I'm sold on this concept.

Saints' Row IV (Multi-Platform)

I don't know if you guys know this or not, but don't believe for a second that this is a brand new game. This was original set to be the last DLC pack for Saints Row 3, but when THQ went under, they decided to strap that plan and use this to rack in more cash as a stand-alone game.

The superpowers concept sounds cool and all, but if I want to have superpowers in an open world game, aren't there at least 10 other alternatives to this? Still, I'll prolly end up renting this like the last one to see if it's my cup of tea or not.

The Wonderful 101 (Wii U)

Much like Bayonetta 2, I can't see this staying as a Wii U exclusive for long. It looks like a blast to play. It reminds of Pikmin but you have a mob of superheroes at your command instead of those things that look like they should go on top of a salad.

Titanfall (Multi-Platform)

I'm a bit relieved that Titanfall isn't a Xbox One exclusive, but I'm still pumped to give this a shot in either case. Is it bad that I'm dreaming of these guys getting with the folks who has the Gundam anime license for games and get a good shooter of that going?

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