It hasn't even been a complete 24 hours yet and the Internet is still blowing up from the backlash of yesterday's events.

Sony has definitely taking the lead in this next generation console war as both Sony faithfuls and even Xbox 360 enthusiasts are pretty much sold on the PlayStation 4 after last night's press event. I won't deny that I'm more likely going to get a PlayStation 4 over a Xbox One, but I still will not rule out getting a Xbox One in the future.

But ZX, what about the always online and DRM... blah blah no freedom and invasion of privacy blah blah...? I could easily give you guys a lecture on this falsehood in beliefs of so-called "freedoms" here in the United States, whereas your only real two freedoms are your imagination and individuality (irony being that a lot people give both of those up without a fight at all...) but that's a topic for another day...

For now, just consider this. If you have the time to always be online complaining and whining about stuff on Twitter and Facebook, then you have time to have time for an always online console. Hell, you already do so with your mobile devices and tablets, what makes you think that consoles aren't looking to take that step? As for the so-called invasion of privacy, the Kinect can be turned off completely and Microsoft has stated that users will have FULL configuration of the device on what it records from audibly and visually. The irony of these complaints are from the same people I notice on Facebook who are the same toolboxes who post a million personal photos on Facebook and you dare to complain about privacy. Wake-up call - NOTHING you post online is private, especially not on Facebook. I can hotlink to any photo on that site without needing an account to share to another person. My friends, stop being so damn naive and superficial.

There is a LOT of talk from players saying that Microsoft needs to simply revoke their policies with the Xbox One, but at this stage, that's just foolish to think that way. I think people are not seeing the big picture here. I have been reading a LOT of comments across several websites and forums, including Kotaku, IGN, NEOGAF, and other message boards. I think this user, really hit the nail on the head on this situation concerning some feedback saying how Microsoft should change their business plan for their own "benefit" like Sony:

"NONE of it is for Microsoft's advantage. Microsoft is just the face of the console that is selling you games. They are being the bad cop so that developers can be the good cops. It's all about how much money developers make. There is a reason iOS and Steam are flourishing— low piracy and high DRM. Developers make as much from selling a license for $18 as they do for printing a disc and selling it for $60. 70% of their revenue is lost between printing a disc and allowing Gamestop to siphon off millions. More money to developers means more games and more development teams, which means happier gamers in the long run. It also means that developers can afford to sell their games at Steam prices on occasion and still make a hefty profit." -- via lilgamerman

This kid knows what he's talking about. Developers have been looking for a way to kill off Gamestop (and the used game market) completely since the PlayStation 2/original Xbox/Gamecube era as they are constantly cutting into their profits on sales for video games. Essentially, Microsoft is doing them a favor by taking the heat and all of the bad press that goes along with it for the developers can get more money back for their endeavors. And for the most part, PC gamers shouldn't be complaining at all as it's the roughly same deal with them when they buy a game. You buy a game whereas you're essentially just buying a product key. If you give your game to someone else, they have to purchase their own product key if they want to experience everything the title in question has to offer.

Okay, okay, rant over -- for now...

Let's move onto Nintendo's press conference....

Nintendo Direct

Pokemon X | Y 

I could sit here and try make sense of all of these new features and what-not, even though I haven't played a new Pokemon game in well over a decade, I'll just let you guys read the details first hand from the folks at IGN.

On a side note, it took the developers over ten years to get the idea that Dragon-type Pokemon are overpowered? Sheesh, and people complain about Capcom not getting the idea... Last I checked, I thought they were weak to Ice attacks. Ice Beam from my Blastoise worked fine way back in Pokemon Red | Blue. I guess they are finally giving Jigglypuff and the other "cutie-pie" Pokemon a legit use now.

Super Mario 3D World

As much fun as my siblings, nieces, nephews, and I have playing New Super Mario Bros. during family get-togethers, I can imagine us having just as much fun playing this. Even more awesome is the fact that Nintendo turned the clock back and modeled this new entry after Super Mario Bros. 2 from the NES but with Super Mario 3D's bells and whistles. 

Mario Kart 8

Call your friends and get those turtle shells ready, Mario Kart is back, bitches!

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Wii U)

The Wii got The Legend of Zelda: Master Quest and Ocarina of Time as HD remakes. The Wii U is getting Wind Waker. Now let's see if more people give this one a fair chance now that time has passed. 

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Arguably the best Zelda game in the series, A Link To The Past, is getting a pseudo-sequel in the form of this game for the 3DS. Is it just me, but the 3DS is getting MUCH better games regularly than the Wii U does?

Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)

If you keep up regularly with fighting game news, then this announcement was no surprise. Namco-Bandai recently announced their involvement with these games and are working closely with Nintendo to make this newest entry in the Super Smash Bros. series. I wonder what guess character(s) we will see from Namco? You know they do have the rights to a lot of popular anime properties, including Bleach, One Piece, Dragon Ball series, and Naruto...

On a sidenote, the Villager from Animal Crossing looks cool, but is he supposed to be a replacement for Ness from Earthbound?

Mega Man Character Reveal

(Marks the FUCK out) Holy shit cakes, Batman! Mega Man's a guest character in this one! That was the only character I felt that was missing in Brawl. His arsenal of weapons from fallen Robot Masters will definitely be a match for any of the other Smash characters. I'm looking forward to maining the Blue Bomber.

Damn you, Nintendo. I'm going to either pick up a Wii U for this or buddy up with someone I know who will end up getting this. 

Wii Fit Trainer Characer Reveal

The Wii Fit Trainer looks hilarious, yet seems awesome to boot. I hope she's replacing Mr. Game & Watch... Damn that dude was lame in Brawl.

Bayonetta 2 

I cannot be too mad that this is a Wii U-exclusive as I am positive Platinum Games will spread the love to multiple platforms after the initial release. If Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube) and the recently released Ninja Gaiden 3: Razer's Edge (Wii U) are any clues to Nintendo's history on exclusives, then you should know that we will see this game on current gen consoles shortly after it's initial release. 

From what I have seen so far, this is looking just as good, if not better than the original Bayonetta. I'm anxious to know whether or not this is a sequel or a prequel since both Bayonetta and Jean D'arc are sporting new looks.

If this awesome gameplay from the original creator of the Devil May Cry series isn't enough, Nintendo has stated that there will be two-player multiplayer. No further details on whether or not this is going to be Versus play or Co-Op. I'm hoping for co-op from the looks of the end of the trailer. 

+ Pros: 

+ The Wii U isn't dead yet.

+ Nintendo really showed off their muscle here this year. It's all about their most popular properties.

+ Pokemon X | Y really delivered. I haven't played a Pokemon game in well over a decade, but I'm anxious to give this one a shot. 

- Cons: 

- No new Metroid. After The Other M, I thought that Nintendo would be racing to repair Samus' tarnished reputation. 

- Working with Platinum Games is cool and all, but Nintendo really needs to branch out more outside of their own properties and get more third party developers to make games for the Wii U. 

Other Misc. News and Tidbits

Square Enix announces that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 are coming to BOTH the Xbox One & PlayStation 4

Square Enix has stated that they are taking advantage of the next gen hardware and want to showcase their titles on both consoles as a result.

Final Fantasy XV Gameplay

Now that we have seen this gameplay slowed down a bit from Sony's conference last night, I have to say that this looks strangely familiar to both Kingdom Hearts and NIER's gameplay, just with more evades and teleporting around the battlefield while your party members act independently. The AI party members are a complete nod from NIER's gameplay as you didn't have to worry about your two party members at all during the course of the game.

Now on the other hand, I'm VERY skeptical when it comes to Square Enix doing action games. This is looking like they are wanting to dwell into the stylish action found in the Devil May Cry or God of War series, and I honestly don't have too much faith in them pulling that off. Let's not forget that lackluster beat 'em up called The Bouncer and the highly underwhelming shooter Dirge of Cerberus that they made back on PlayStation 2. I don't want them to try to do too much here and the game flops as a result. 

Like I said yesterday, after the success of Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 on Xbox 360 they cannot deny that extra cash flow. Whether people believe it or not, Square Enix is slowly going under and need every bit of income flowing in possible. With RPGs like Mass Effect, Skyrim, and DragonAge continuing to evolve the genre, their traditional JRPG format is quickly becoming obsolete. 

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

This is the revamp that this series has been needing. Favor in a bit of the hip hop to give this same bit of flair that the Afro Samurai anime brought to the table. I don't know about you guys, but I'm looking forward to the opportunity to kill Ryu Hayabusa's ass for once. Killing zombies as a ninja never looked this good.

Tekken Revolution is a rehash of Tekken Tag Tournament 2

If you don't own a Tekken game, but was interested in trying the series out first, this is a good free alternative to see if this is your cup of tea or not. Keep in mind that this is a PlayStation 3 exclusive that has released to the PlayStation Store today. Tekken veterans be warned that this is essentially TTT2 stripped down (no bound system at all) for 1v1 action with a few extra bells and whistles (invincible attacks and Special Arts). I seriously doubt that this will be replacing TTT2 on the tournament scene anytime soon. 

Don't take my word for it. Read from the full write-up from the folks at Eventhubs.

Killer Instinct (Xbox One) is NOT a Free to Play Game

That was a HUGE misconception from the news that flooded out yesterday. Players can buy the full game as a digital download at launch with the Xbox One, but if they want to try out the demo version which will just have a few characters available, with Jago only being confirmed at this moment, then they are welcome to sample the game that way. 

If you want to see some high level play of the game in action by the developers, including FilthyRich and Markman himself - along with some other popular players from the FGC (Ryan Hart, Mike Ross, DiosX, fLoE, Maximillion, Gootecks, and more) who are at E3 this week, MadCatz was streaming the game earlier today. You can watch the archive here

Xbox Live is continuing to support indy developers with Summer of Arcade (August 7, 2013)

All of these titles have really caught my eye, but I'm anxious to play Two Brothers the most. The developers stated in an interview that this is NOT a co-op game, but the player is in control of both brothers at all times. I'm dying to see how that works first-hand.

PlayStation 4 Used Game Restrictions "Up To Publishers"

You can read this yourself here

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