I'm not writing this to stir up yet another Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 petty console war debate. Instead, I'm writing this to simply state that let's put this debate on hold for the time being. I want to ask a better question - why are you so anxious to move into the next generation of gaming already?
While you ponder that question, I give you this...
Why Should You NOT Care About the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at this moment:
Current generation hardware will continued to be supported until at least 2015
Microsoft has stated that they will continue to support the Xbox 360 until roughly 2017, while Sony has expressed a similar approach for the PlayStation 3. That being said, both the PS3 and Xbox 360 have a lot of blockbuster titles in development that are set to release over the next few months, including but not limited to Grand Theft Auto V, WWE 2K14, Watch_Dogs (which is a PS4 & XB1 launch title), Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Ultra Street Fighter IV, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and much, much more.What does that mean you ask? You're literally buying a new console at launch to play CURRENT generation titles. Developers aren't going to learn how to optimize this hardware effectively until another year or two tops, so you're better off waiting.
It annoys me to no end with the way certain gamers are acting like your current consoles are going to simply revert into paperweights once the XB1 and PS4 launch. Your consoles still have plenty of life left in them. There's nothing to be worried about.
Most heavy-hitters for both XB1 and PS4 won't launch until early 2014 or later, especially the highly-anticipated Titanfall and Kingdom Hearts 3
Titanfall isn't expected to release until the early quarter of 2014, while Kingdom Hearts 3, which won over a lot of PlayStation fans, is not said to even start development until after Final Fantasy XV is finished since both games shared the same director.
What's the hold up with Kingdom Hearts 3 you ask? Simply read the article yourself here.
So yeah, there's completely no rush on racing out for a next-gen console just for KH3, Square Enix fans.
The first few thousand units are the beta-testers in terms of customers

You would think after the last generation of gaming and even with that whole Windows Vista ordeal, that people would not invest themselves into being the first into having new hardware. I choose not to be that token dumbass who ends up buying a console twice.
Visually, next generation hardware is not that much better than visuals found on PC gaming rigs.
If you are looking for visuals to dictate your gaming purchases, then you should be investing into PC gaming, especially if you have enough cash to invest into next-gen gaming right now.Differences between multiplatform releases between current gen and next gen titles are said to be subtle at best.
Don't take my word for it, read from the folks at EuroGamer.
Do you really have $400-600 to drop on a mere console this year, just to play current generation titles?
In the current recession going on in the United States, jobs are hard to come by - let alone affording to maintain rather expensive hobbies such as buying every $60 game that drops every week. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally can't name anyone who can currently afford to buy every game that releases on a regular basis and have enough left over to afford a next-generation console at launch unless you have some pretty rich parents buying stuff for you or you are one of the few people out there in today's economy with a really sweet high-paying salary profession for a living. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I know how deep my pockets go - I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a cheap ass gamer.
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