It's time to suit up & prepare for a Closed Network Test, #Gundam fans!
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost On arrives July 30th! Sign-up for the Closed Network Test before April 10th and we'll see you on the battlefield! 

It's a little too late (it's April 13th as of this posting) but I'm glad to see that Bandai Namco is giving Gundam Versus another shot here in the States. My primary concern is that I hope that they have learned their lesson in reference to Gundam Versus where the individual additional add-on DLC Mobile Suits were insanely overpriced if you wanted to acquire all of them to remain competitive in the game online. I played the game primarily in Single Player offline modes with the occasional co-op runs with a friend in Survival Modes, but never touched the online component as I had absolutely no interest in that portion of the game. C'mon, international players and people who have been importing these games for years have the experience advantage by leaps and bounds. This game is hard enough to pick up as it is.

That being said, I adore the fact that this entry will have a wealth of offline content to satisfy players like me. The pre-order Suits do concern me a little as it comes off as the same ploy that the last Gundam Versus game did at launch on PlayStation 4.

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