Marvel's Agents of SHIELD returned Tuesday night (September 24, 2014) with its highly-anticipated Season 2 premiere on the ABC Network, hot off the heels of the events of the Season 1 finale and the events in the wake of Captain America: The Winter Soldier that shook the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe at it's core.


Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson
Ming-Na Wen as Melinda May
Brett Dalton as Grant Ward
Chloe Bennet as Skye
Iain De Caestecker as Leo Fitz
Elizabeth Henstridge as Jemma Simmons
Nick Blood as Lance Hunter

Overview: (Spoilers)

In 1945, Agent Peggy Carter and her team raid the last known Hydra base led by Daniel Whitehall, and confiscate the weaponry and technology that they possess, including the Obelisk. In the present, Coulson's team monitor a deal revolving around the Obelisk, which quickly goes awry when Carl Creel arrives, killing the ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent offering the intel, and then escaping with it. Back at the Playground, Skye interogates Ward and learns that Hydra is using communication channels not monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D., which the team trace to discover that Hydra has simply returned to the shadows. Soon the team realizes that General Talbot is in trouble and rush to rescue him from Creel before abducting Talbot. Using Talbot's fingerprints, the team breaks into a military facility full of confiscated SH.I.E.L.D. items and locate the Obelisk. Agent Isabelle Hartley (Lucy Lawless) grabs the Obelisk, which begins killing her. Skye and Triplett steal a cloaked quinjet and escape, while May takes off on a motorcycle. Lance Hunter leaves with his team of mercenaries enlisted by S.H.I.E.L.D., only to be ambushed by Creel, causing their car to flip, killing Agent Hartley while Creel takes off with the Obelisk for an ageless Whitehall.

The Verdict:

First of all, let's give Lucy Lawless a hand... Oh wait, TOO early to make that joke, huh? Seriously though, I enjoyed her as Agent Isabelle Hartley in this season premiere episode. I doubt that she's going to stay dead though - who really does though in the Marvel Cinematic Universe other than villains? Plus, it seems like she was a bit too fond of becoming a cyborg too...

While we're on the subject of villains, it should be known that the HYDRA figure who keeps polishing his glasses is none other than Daniel Whitehall, who is known in Marvel Comics as the HYDRA villain known as the Kraken. For a second there, I thought he was Baron Wolfgang von Strucker until they called him Whitehall. I geeked out a bit to see the HYDRA soldiers in their full uniforms and garb in the flashback that accompanied the start of this episode. Many people will regard this flashback as a minor teaser for the upcoming Agent Carter spin-off series, featuring Peggy Carter herself. I was skeptical about that series at first, but now I'm interested to see how that series is going to pan out and how SHIELD's humble beginnings associate with it's current reconstruction.

It was cool to see Agent Coulsen in his new Director role, but it seems like the stress is already taking it's toll out on him. Ming-Na is still the epitome of bad-assery as Melinda May, even though she has some strong competition with Lucy Lawless' Isabelle Hartley in this premiere. The new hardened, battle-ready Skye was a welcome improvement over her character, but I'm still not too crazy about Agent Antoine Triplet (B.J. Britt). He continues his subtle flirting with almost all of the female leads, other than May and Hartley in this episode. I don't know what to think about Lance Hunter in this premiere, so the verdict is still out on him. Keep in mind that we can't trust all of these newcomers, especially in a post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier world full of potential HYDRA agents. That's one reason why I found it was very smart of Coulsen not to meet with everyone in briefings other than his trusted allies, such as Jemma, Skye, or May. I thought it was stupid to keep Ward around though, especially in their new SHIELD base of operations - no matter how "secure" they think it is.

I still have a CRAZY theory from the first season that I think that May is secretly Skye's mother. She seems to have that motherly, "tough love" vibe to her relationship with Skye. I'm waiting to see if this pans out.

While we're on the topic of Skye...

Did anyone notice that Skye is laying on a table full of those sketches/weird equations that both Coulsen and John Garrett were writing in last season's finale? Hmm... I still think it's a blueprint of some kind. Speaking of Skye, I love how we're still in the dark about The Rising Tide as we were in the previous season. That has to be something I hope they shed light upon in this season since it wasn't entirely explored in the first season.

Fitz' relevation about him losing his sanity and his intellect really had me feeling sorry for the guy. I think Fitz is going to reach his breaking point and snap (if he hasn't already) or loose his edge completely. I hope Jemma comes back though. Their bond was just too adorable in the first season. 

One of the treats for long-time Marvel Comics fans in this premiere episode came in the form of two antagonists of the Incredible Hulk making their first appearances in this episode - Carl "Crusher" Creel/The Absorbing Man and General Glenn Talbot. I hope this leads into a future cameo from big green himself before Avengers: Age of Ultron. Alternatively, we could end up seeing Thor making a cameo appearance in this season as he has been known to exchange blows with The Absorbing Man as well.

With the introduction of this new foe, I can appreciate Agents of SHIELD's bigger budget as their special effects are finally up to par with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to make their already great action scenes look even better.

I loved how this episode ended for Coulsen's team. Coulsen established his new team's merit and devotion to the cause, showing what extremes they are willing to go to see this mission to the end. If that's not loyalty to SHIELD then I don't know what is. Coulsen is definitely off to a good start as the new acting director.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is off to a good start for Season 2. "Shadows" set the gears in motion for many things to come in this season. I'm giving this episode a slightly above average score of 8 out of 10.

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