While I would have loved to cover Destination X and the previous TNA NYC tapings before this episode, I found myself getting sidetracked left and right. I will do some quick thoughts on those shows at the end of this write-up though.

I don't want to take any thunder away from my buddy, Brandon, who blogs about wrestling as well, so do me a solid and check out his write-up on the event as well here.

Stairway to Janice Match - Bram def. Abyss

For those who don't know, this match is literally a ladder match with Abyss' signature weapon of choice, "Janice", hanging above the ring.

Bram hasn't impressed me much in the past, but I'm starting to warm up to the guy. It's rather impressive to see him hang with a hardcore match expert like Abyss in his own environment. These guys didn't waste any time getting some "color" (read: blood) in this match. This was exactly how hardcore match fanatics were dying for - nothing but a spot-heavy match with Abyss and Bram hitting each other with everything but the kitchen sink.

The chants of "We Want Fire" was interesting though, despite the fact that Abyss and Bram didn't cater to the NYC crowd's demands.

That was a slack Black Hole Slam Abyss did to drop Bram onto the thumbtacks though. I honestly don't know what Abyss has to do to beat this guy.

I wonder what Magnus is going to do to stay relevant with his buddy racking in some rather impressive victories against Abyss...

EC3 (Rockstar Spud) blames Rhino for Dixie Carter going through a table at the hands of Bully Ray

I loved this segment namely for the fact that "pissed off" Rhino promos are pure money. EC3 is set for great things in TNA. I'm glad to bear witness to his rise to stardom after WWE cut him loose. 

"ECW" chants break out among the NYC crowd as EC3 continues to assault Rhino, ending it with a Knee Lift that would make William Regal proud. 

X-Division Championship Match - Samoa Joe (c) def. Low-Ki

This was an X-Division classic right here. It was like TNA went back in time to pull this one onto the card. I'm very proud to see that the X-Division is back in full effect here, especially with guys like Samoa Joe and Low-Ki are at the forefront of the division. I would prefer to see Samoa Joe back into the main event circle, but I can live with this. The main event circle is crowded enough currently.

Joe should be a prime candidate for Option C in 2015 if he maintains this momentum.

I never get sick of seeing Low-Ki and Samoa Joe's arsenals in full display in a match like this. This was definitely one of the best matches of the night.

I Quit Match - Mr. Anderson def. Samuel Shaw

This match started backstage after Shaw interrupted Anderson's pre-match promo with some choice words for the loudmouth that caused things to erupt into a brawl between the two Superstars. I have to wonder how long are they going to drag out this angle between Anderson, Gunner, and Shaw. I hope they get to "payoff" to this feud sooner more than later. I could honestly care less.

Tag Teams Collide - The Hardyz, The Wolves, and Team 3D all in the ring

The Hardy Boyz come out and talk about getting back together, but Team 3D interrupt them. Pretty epic moment with the two big Attitude Era teams starring each other down, until the Wolves come out. The Wolves call them the two best teams of all time, and if they want a shot at the titles, they can have them any time.

If you're a fan of any of these teams or tag team wrestling in general, this is an amazing segment to get everyone hyped up for what is yet to come. Mike Tenay isn't lying when he says the best tag team division in wrestling today is in TNA Wrestling. At least in terms of mainstream wrestling, before anyone wants to be smark about it in the comments.

Mike Tenay spoke with Dixie Carter at home, who is recovering from her injuries after "it happened"...

Dixie has my respect just for agreeing to even take that table bump PERIOD.
She merely states that a Carter never forgets and ushers Tenay out of her home.

Tenay announces on air that Christy Hemme is pregnant, expecting her first child in December.

Congratulations to the Rockin' Redhead. I wonder who's the lucky daddy-to-be? Hmm...

Meanwhile, James Storm continues his "reprogramming" of Sanada as "The Great Sanada" is set to debut next week on Impact.

Last Knockout Standing Match for TNA Knockouts Championship - Gail Kim (c) def. Angelina Love (w/ Velvet Sky)

As much as I loved Joe vs. Low-Ki, I have to admit that the Knockouts stole the show tonight, creating a tough act to follow for the guys in the main event. I thought it was rather strange that Taryn Tarrell was nowhere to be found to aid Gail Kim in this match while Velvet Sky was free to butt into the match inhibited from start to finish.

As a fan of women's wrestling, I'm glad to see the TNA Knockouts are still setting the bar high for the standard of in-ring talent in mainstream wrestling. C'mon WWE Divas, you ladies need to step it up BIG time. There's a reason the NYC crowd have been chanting "BETTER THAN DIVAS!!" at the last few shows.

My favorite two spots in this match had to be the Top Rope Emerald Fusion by Gail Kim (she hasn't busted out that move in like AGES) and the Botox Injection (Bicycle Kick)-style Vandaminator by Angelina Love

Six Sides of Steel Cage Match to determine the Number One Contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Bobby Roode vs. Gunner vs. Eric Young vs. Austin Aries vs. James Storm vs. Magnus

This was more of a spotfest than a legitimate wrestling match, but I was completely fine with that, given how many Superstars they had in this match. The match ends in a draw when both Bobby Roode and Eric Young both escaped the cage and fell to the floor simultaneously.

Other Misc. Noteworthy Points of Interest:

July 31, 2014

The Wolves def. The Hardys to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles 

Both teams come out to big pops. The Wolves retain after hitting a powerbomb backstabber combo on Matt Hardy. This was said to be an excellent match and the best one for TNA in a long time.

Low Ki def. DJ Zema Ion and Manik - Qualifies for future X Division Title Shot 

This is the first of 3 three-ways on this card. All three of those matches were great, but this one and the final one (see below) stood out the most for me. Low Ki wins after a Ki Krusher on Manik. Great match here from bell to bell.

Samoa Joe def. Homicide and Tigre Uno - Qualifies for future X Division Title Shot

Joe comes out to a big pop as does Homicide. Joe destroyed Tigre and got the pin on Homicide after a Musclebuster. Homicide and Joe followed ROH's Code of Honor after the match. The vacant X Division Title match will be Joe vs. Low Ki vs. Sanada.

Bobby Lashley def. Austin Aries to retain the World Heavyweight Title

Aries gets the title shot after giving up his X Division Title for Option C. Lashley retains with a spear after blocking Aries' Brainbuster. Unfortunately, this makes Aries the first wrestler to LOSE after cashing in on Option C. I was skeptical at first, but I'm a firm believer of Lashley as the "real deal" to hold the gold as TNA's top guy right now. It works wonders with MVP as his mouthpiece as we ALL know that was Lashley's flaw back in his WWE run.

August 7, 2014

Monsters Ball: Bram def. Abyss

Like I mentioned earlier, this Bram character is starting to warm up to me. I'm still not completely behind the guy, but he's slowly winning me over with this feud against Abyss.

Hardcore Weapons Match: Team 3D, Tommy Dreamer, & Al Snow def. EC3, Rhino, Rycklon (Ezekiel Jackson), & Gene Snitsky

This one was over a lot quicker than I thought it would have ended. Big Zeke and Snitsky weren't much in terms of hired muscle for Dixieland which left Rhino and EC3 to do most of work in this match. Their attempts were in vain as the babyfaces, or rather the ECW alumni here, came out with the big win that left Dixie Carter running in fear.

TNA X-Division Title 3-Way: Samoa Joe def. Low-Ki & Sanada to win the vacant title!

Stellar match between all three of these guys. I couldn't be happier either way this ended. I'm just glad to see Samoa Joe back in "serious" role again and Low-Ki back with the company. Neither man has skipped a beat either; they are just as formidable in that ring as they were ten years ago. I don't want to downplay Sanada either as he has put on consistently great performances, but we all know that TNA are building towards his inevitable in-ring encounter against The Great Muta at Bound For Glory later this year.  

Bully Ray drives Dixie Carter through a table

Mad props for Dixie Carter taking that table bump, but I could tell she got legit hurt because she landed awkwardly upon impact. To say that people give that woman so much bad press and grief, it shows a lot that she was willing to take one for the boys and was a good sport about it.

Same gif, different angle... This NEVER stops being awesome.
I know I haven't marked this hard for a spot in wrestling in a LONG time, especially to something I'm watching live on wrestling nowadays, but bravo TNA for making me proud to be a fan of professional wrestling. 

August 14, 2014
** Last Impact on Thursday Nights **

X-Division #1 Contenders Elimination Scramble: Low-Ki def. Homicide, Manik, Tigre Uno, Crazzy Steve, & Zema Ion

Great to see the X-Division representing full force here tonight. Let's just hope that TNA continues to carry this momentum with the X-Division forward from here on out. Destination X was a great start, now let's see them follow through with this revival of the division, unlike that mess that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff did with the division before they bowed out of creative. 

TNA Knockouts Title Fatal 4-Way: Gail Kim (c) def. Angelina Love, Taryn Terrell, & Velvet Sky to retain the title!

While I was glad to see Gail Kim retain the title, I was happy to see all of the Knockouts involved here put up a good fight. I was a little surprised that Taryn Terrell didn't walk away with the title here, but I feel like she needs a few more matches to work off her ring rust before stepping up to that responsibility.

Team 3D def. The Hardys

I'm not even lying here, this is easily an early Match of the Year winner. If you haven't seen this match in its entirety, do yourself a favor and watch this shit - even more so if you're an Attitude Era fan of either one of these teams. The only thing that was missing here was an Edge & Christian reunion. 

Closing Words:

If' you're not watching Impact Wrestling right now then something's wrong. Say what you will about TNA's product  in the past, but they have definitely stepped their game up to a new level with these tapings in the old ECW playground. I hope they consider setting shop up here for good and do all of their shows from this location. The crowds have been great and really into the shows and it shows with the ratings spiking up (no pun intended...). 

Despite their ongoing negotiations with Spike TV, I think any network that picks up Impact Wrestling at this rate will be blessed to have this product as part of their programming. 

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