Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I know it's going to be a big deal when I'm not really a fan of Captain America in comics (with the exception of when he is leading the Avengers) and I'm hyped as HELL for this movie. I'm in utter shock that they found a way to make The Falcon to appear nowhere as the lame duck he was portrayed in the comics and in the current Avengers Assembled cartoon. I'm still not feeling Scarlet Johanssen's straight hair look for Black Widow. I hold my opinion that she looked best in Iron Man 2 when she first portrayed the character. It seems like in each film, she loses more and more that originally made her click with that character. Hopefully, my opinion will change by the time I see the film. I have really high expectations for this film as both the comic book storyline was very well-written. I'm anxious to see how Marvel Studios put their own unique twist on this angle. Anyone who has seen the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes episode of the same name should know what to expect here, but I wonder how Marvel Studios is going to spice up this familiar territory for newcomers and seasoned comic book enthusiasts?
Gawd... April 4 can't come soon enough...
Need For Speed
After the untimely demise of Paul Walker has seemed to haul production of the over-saturation of the Fast & Furious franchise, it's a breath of fresh air to see someone else step into the driver's seat. These games have been around for well over the last decade and a half for a reason, so Hollywood should have more than enough material to pull from to make this worth a look.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
I'm still not sold on this. I thought Sony Pictures would have learned their lesson from the disaster that was Spider-Man 3 by piling on multiple villains in one film. It is no secret that Sony Pictures want to replicate Marvel Studios' success with Avengers and create a shared universe for the Spider-Man franchise with spin-off films and tie-ins. The problem with that idea is that the Spider-Man universe doesn't have that many "strong" characters to warrant interest in solo films. What are they going to do, a Venom or Sinister Six solo spin-off? A Venom solo film MIGHT warrant interest. Alternatively, they could do a Black Cat solo film, but that would be a HUGE gamble at this rate. If you don't see the clues sprinkled throughout this trailer, it's obvious that this film is building towards the introduction of the Sinister Six. Doctor Octopus' arms are in the vault in Oscorp, along with what seems like The Vulture's flight gear. Harry Osborn is shown riding a Goblin Glider, while Spider-Man faces Rhino and Electro as this film's feature villains. The only reason that I'm remotely interested in seeing this film is that I'm curious if this initation of the Spider-Man franchise has the balls to kill off Gwen Stacy since it wasn't done in the previous franchise.
I will admit I LOVE that they finally made the Spidey costume look as close to the comics as possible now.
Transformers: Age of Extinction
New cast? Check. Autobots vs. Decepticons? Check. HOLY SHIT, the Dinobots are in this one? Was that Galvatron in his vehicle mode at the beginning? Curse you, Michael Bay, now you got me interested.
Why am I sharing this trailer you ask? The fact of the matter is that this is the film that is halting production of Paul W.S. Anderson pinning and directing the (hopefully...) last Resident Evil film for Millia Jonovich's Alice character. As for Pompeii, I think I'll wait until the DVD release or whenever it's shown on TV...
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