Seriously though, not ALL of these moments will be tear-jerkers, but just shocking in general. If you have more of your own from gaming, feel free to share in the comments. Completely off the top of my head too, folks, as I could easily cook up more than 3 unlike the folks at Kotaku.
****DISCLAIMER: These a FULL spoilers for the following games. If you haven't played these games in their entirety or don't wish to be spoiled on these shockers, STOP reading now. Don't get mad at me, saying that I didn't warn you beforehand. Otherwise, enjoy the list.****
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Red Dead Redemption |
Oh, c'mon... you KNEW this was going to be on this list. It was shocking for a lot of people, but I remember playing this game after spending a semester of watching old westerns for one of my film studies courses in college and it came off cliched as fuck as you KNEW something was off when the "last" mission of the game has you spending time with your family and trying to raise your son in a span of 30 minutes of gameplay after neglecting the family "attachment" for the duration of the game.
I just remember watching this moment unfold for the first time and going, "What the fuck, man... If this were Gun, I could have killed EVERY single one of these fuckers in Quick Draw..."
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Your so-called "friends", Popola and Devola reveal themselves to be in league with the Shadowlord all along. It's bad enough that you have to fight your best friends to the death all while their song is playing in the background. Oh, wait, it's not over? Emil sacrifices himself to save everyone from the twins' kamikaze attack? This is just brutal, Square Enix...
If you haven't played NIER you should. It's definitely one of Square Enix's most underrated RPGs during the PS3/Xbox 360 era of gaming. And for the love all things holy, please don't spoil Endings 3 and 4 for me as I'm still grinding on this damn game to get all the weapons for I can see those.
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Final Fantasy VII |
Yep, the original Squaresoft/Square Enix tear-jerker... Aeris' death. I don't even need to say anything. I'll go ahead and give you guys a moment.
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Mega Man X5 |
Yes, you saw this video right... X, Zero, and Sigma ALL died in this ending. For those of you following my current Mega Man Week on Facebook, X5 is definitely going to be the pick of the litter on this as I honestly would have been completely fine with the X series ending here from a storyline perspective. Why did Capcom follow this up with the abysmal Megaman X6 and X7 is beyond me.
Your horse, Agro, was your only companion in this lonely world that is filled with colossi. Losing Agro made the battle against the final colossus even more personal as The Wanderer sought to revive his deceased love.
It only gets worse after you defeat the final boss... The Wanderer finds out he was being used the entire game while Dormin fed off his life force for his own pending revival. It's a damn shame that he went through all of that work for nothing... or is it?
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The Walking Dead (The Video Game) |
I remember getting to this part and my jaw just dropped. After that, I knew I was leaving this bitch behind. There wasn't no negotiating that shit...
I seriously hated this scene because it that it's as emotional as Aeris' death. You (Lee) fail the poor kid as her guardian/surrogate father-figure and on top of that you have to make sure the poor kid doesn't get killed by you when you turn into a walker in death. It was brutal to watch, but I told Clementine to shoot Lee in the head just to be safe as I couldn't live with the damn thought that Lee could come back and haunt her as a walker. I swear Telltale Games are masters at toying with your damn emotions in these games, much like the key selling point that keeps people tuning into the live action TV series on a regular basis.
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BioShock: Infinite |
I bet you're reading this and going, "Why show this game's ending when you could be showing the end of The Last of Us or Grand Theft Auto V?" Why not? Easy, because both of those are still fairly new and I'm sure people getting those for the holidays don't want those endings spoiled prematurely. Besides, Infinite has been out since the beginning of the year, so I'm sure people don't mind on the spoilers now.
Speaking of the ending, I know, I know... It's more of a huge mindfuck than a tear-jerker.
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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |
If you are any ounce of a religious person, or believes in any higher power, then this ending is just like wow... This was the type of ending I was craving for out of Kojima's revamped take on the Castlevania series. So, THAT's why Dracula is so God-damned pissed off all these centuries... See what I did there?
Now, if he could finish Metal Gear Solid 5 and give me my damn sequel to Zone of the Enders...
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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood |
If you don't care to watch the final boss fight, skip to the 4:40 mark and start from there. Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood represent the best the Assassin's Creed series has had to offer, but it's a damn shame that Revelations and Assassin's Creed III were lackluster sequels in comparison. For those wondering why did the spirits want Lucy dead, it's not really explained well in the next two games, but the jest of it was that she was a double agent for Abstergo (Templars) AND the Assassins. She wanted to get the Apple of Eden and give it back to Abstergo, thinking they would do the "right" thing with it and save the world.
This was so brutal to watch and play at the same time. You knew Snake was at the end of his life line while his allies struggle to put up a fight for he could make it in time without any other distractions.
If you have been playing the Metal Gear Solid series since the beginning then you should know how much emotion went into this final climatic battle between Solid Snake and Liquid Ocelot. If you thought that was enough drama and suspense, then stay tuned through the credits for that huge mindfuck...
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater |
I don't care what anyone says... The Boss is the most important character in the Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid universe's narrative. Her "sacrifice" for what she believed has impacted soldiers on the battlefield for generations to come after her passing and it is the driving force that set Big Boss' plans into motion. She is by far my personal favorite character to come out of this series and it was sad to see her go.
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Batman: Arkham City |
(Whistles) This game's ending is a comic book fan's wet dream come true. The Joker dies, and Batman is left to carry his corpse out of the building with all of Arkham City's inhabitants watching. What's worse... is Joker's singing during the ending credits. I can see why Rocksteady didn't want to handle the sequel to this game and why WB Games took the easy route with a prequel in Arkham Origins... You can't top a narrative that's THIS good.
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Mass Effect |
This scene can play out one of two ways. Ashley (or Kaiden if you're romancing him with FemShep) shoots Wrex and kills him or you talk some sense into Wrex (given your Paragon negotiating skills are high enough) and he survives this face-off. Either way, it's a rather tense situation. Anyone who has played the original Mass Effect can tell you about how intimidating Krogans are in combat.
For the love all things holy, PLEASE don't spoil Mass Effect 3 in the comments. I don't know how I managed to have that game on my gaming backlog for this long and still managed to avoid spoilers... Well, other than seeing what Tali looks like underneath her helmet.
All of those bold sacrifices made by the Noble Six team of Spartans to get Cortana's AI off the planet to turn the tide in the war against the Covenant truly made Reach's campaign the best Halo campaign next to the original Halo title. I loved the effects where your visor on your HUD cracks as you take more and more damage in the last fight before the final cutscene. I remember playing this part and I just kept meleeing the incoming Covenant with the Energy Sword and headshotting the Grunts with the Battle Rifle until I was empty on everything when I found myself swamped by Elites.
You beat GLaDoS and she sings for you as the credits roll. Talk about a classy lady... And the cake is still a lie. Thanks for reading guys!
Skipped the games I haven't played/completed as to avoid the spoilers. But, I pretty much have to agree. Though... there is some thing I must do. Forgive me. Aerith* :P
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