If you following Let's Talk Wrestling on Facebook, you would have seen my announcement to start another ongoing series since I have finished my Chronicles of a Fed-Head series (for now...). Wrestling WTF will cover some of questionable decisions in professional wrestling over the years. Our first candidate is AJ Lee becoming the RAW General Manager.

WWE took the most popular women’s act they’d had in years and made her the General Manager of Raw. 
It was a bad idea. 
Their heart was in the right place, they wanted to give her an even bigger role on TV. But AJ appealed to fans because of her weird, manipulative ways. 
Before, when her music struck, something fun was about to happen. When she became GM and her music hit, it would be to announce a painfully predictable match. 
Fans liked the Kane, Punk, Bryan love story. The payoff to months invested in that story was her gaining control of Raw. 
Then as GM, with no warning, her character became “out of control”. Then she wasn’t. It was a mess. 
While Punk, Bryan and Kane continued to be entertaining, AJ fell behind and somehow even became boring. - via Bleacher Report 

I know some of my female wrestling friends will be thoroughly pissed off reading this article, but hear me out on this. WWE took the most popular woman they have had grace their programming in YEARS, and dump her into a silly General Manager role? Week in, week out, she comes out looking like someone's 12 year old kid sister cosplaying as Stephanie McMahon on the Smackdown! brand  back in 2003.

The better idea would have used her as a WRESTLER and divert her popularity and channel it into the dying Divas division. AJ never seemed to finish that feud between herself and Tamina that never got any closure, plus the feud between her former BFF and fellow Chickbuster, Kaitlyn, never took off until currently when Kaitlyn captured the Divas Championship due to Kelly Kelly, Eve, and the Bella Twins dropping out of the company like flies.

To this day I don't get why WWE would take something this popular and kill the buzz willingly like this without even thinking it through completely. AJ Lee goes from being a role model for girls, to being portrayed as a complete slut - clearly besting Eve Torres' heel antics. It just really disgusts me personally as there's very FEW Divas for girls to look up to in this generation and that's the example AJ is giving young girls, like my niece who adores her and everything that she does.

We can't end this article without talking about how it ends... AJ Lee in an alleged affair with John Cena by Vickie Guerrero, who can't say shit to ANYONE about affairs with other Superstars while acting as GM. I guess we're supposed to forget about her sleeping with Edge during the Smackdown! broadcast while Festus and The Undertaker are fighting in the main event. How did she manage to keep her job after that, but AJ loses her after the accusation? That stupid WWE logic...

But yeah, AJ Lee breaks into a bitch fit afterwards and quickly latches onto Dolph Ziggler as her latest love interest, with Big E Langston picking up sloppy seconds. Seriously, WWE, if I was in charge I would be molding the Divas division around this girl's in-ring talents instead of talents in the bedroom.

Get a clue, WWE. These are the two girls you need to have at the center of the Divas division:

For those wondering, YES that's the very same AJ and Naomi that are reduced to mere eye candy up on the RAW roster.

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