Five Star Wrestling is a PlayStation 3 exclusive that many are talking about as the answer to an alternative from the popular WWE licensed games.

Indepth Interview on the PS3 Exclusive 5 Star Wrestling'via Blog this'

So far, it sounds promising as heaven only knows that we need a GOOD alternative to the WWE-themed games, namely the WWE Smackdown vs. Raw series. Rumble Roses XX was regarded mainly as a guilty pleasure for most wrestling and joshi wrestling fans, Def Jam: Icon was a step too far away from its previous iterations, TNA Impact! was close but no cigar, Lucha Libre: AAA Heroes Del Ring flopped, WWE: All Stars was a blast but wasn't taken serious by the vast majority of players, and the glimmer of hope that us loyal Fire Pro fans had were tarnished by that Xbox Live Avatar game.

Now if SPIKE would port over Fire Pro Wrestling Returns from PlayStation 2 to XBLA or PSN with an online community like Community Creations like the WWE-themed games, I wouldn't touch a WWE title again, EVER. I'm just saying. 

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