Stay frosty and check out the spicy content coming to #Iceborne.🐉 Alatreon ❄️ Frostfang Barioth 🌶️ Sizzling Spice Fest  
Start 0:00 Alatreon 2:16 Frostfang Barioth 5:05 System Updates 7:20 Upcoming Add-On Content 08:17 Sizzling Spice Fest 09:27 Upcoming Updates 12:00  
Title Update 4 releases July 8 at 5:00pm PDT / July 9 1:00am BST on all platforms!  
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Unlike the previous Developer Diaries, I don't have much to say about this one as I think that the developers are holding out information on us. While they have my sympathy with the COVID-19 global pandemic crippling their work rate and forced them, like many developers in the industry right now, to postpone their plans for the wealth of content for this game for the months to come. That being said, I think Capcom have been more than generous to allow players to continue to reap the rewards of all of the event quests being in rotation for the last few months while many players around the world have been stuck at home confined on quarantine for their own safety and the safety of others. This has been more than enough time to "catch up" in a sense and to farm whatever weapons and armor that you have been missing out on with even Safi'jiiva and Master Rank Kulve Taroth being in rotation.

Speaking of Kulve Taroth, I'm sure Alatreon is going to make players wish that they farmed that monster properly and upgraded their appraised weapons to their Master Rank equivalents since elemental damage is going to be the name of the game when it comes to that fight. I'm sure everyone (that isn't mainly using charge blade, heavy/light bowguns, dual blades, and sword and shield weapons) is going to flock to raw damage to ignore that "gimmick" but I doubt it's going to be that easy to ignore if we're to expect Lunastra-style supernova attacks engulfing the entire arena.

In terms of awards though, I want my Long 7 shelling for Gunlance from this debuting Black Dragon. Stop playing with the emotions of Gunlance mains, Capcom, and give us what we want. Long 6 is already pretty darn powerful, but I think that would be the last feather in the cap that Gunlance players need at this point of the endgame grind. That being said, just about every weapon class in the game needs a "game changer" (something the developers said at one point that really stuck out to me) at this point of post-game content after the main quest. Safi'jiiva was a great start/option for a lot of weapon classes, but I'm ready to see Capcom completely make it obsolete to an extent - or at least shove it down a few pegs in terms of the end all answer to everything for every late game build at this point of the expansion's shelf life. For a lot of weapon classes and builds, there's nothing better or even comes close to optimal set building than the flexibility of the Safi weapons. People have ranted about this time and time again, but it's a continued problem with the game. The introduction of Safi'jiiva and these "customizable" weapons made roughly the entire weapon tree for a majority of the weapon classes in the game completely irrelevant in most cases. My three preferred Gunlance builds are all with Safi weapons for each shelling type, but on the other hand, my preferred Hammer build for most hunts uses the Ruiner Nergigante hammer with a pure Agitator/Free Meal Secret build. For Hammer, I use the Safi weapons I have made for that only when I'm bored. I understand that not every weapon class has that luxury. The Raging Brachydios weapons were a great step in the right direction in terms of what I want to see from future weapons going forward though. I think Capcom needs to go really crazy in terms of these weapons that are made from farming the first Black Dragon of New World.

I'm not a Monster Hunter series veteran, but I get a sense of how important this legendary beast is to the series' lore. So why not make it worth the wait with something really crazy to spice things up even more? This game deserves another shot of adrenaline in the arm because the extra months of the event quests being up during the last festival did nothing but lower the levels of excitement for a lot of players. I still like logging onto the game every other day or two and answering random SOS flares in multiplayer, but I'm more than ready to see what else the developers have up their sleeves.

The Sizzling Spice Festival looks like that should be fun. I know that I'm going to end up caving for the new Handler costume to replace the current one that I have been using for the last few months. I'm glad to see that Capcom is doing another Aztec themed costume design, much like one of El Fuerte's alternate costumes from Street Fighter IV.

Last but not least, I have absolutely no enthusiasm towards a Barioth variant. The standard Barioth almost made me throw my PS4 controller through my flatscreen television in frustration in the Iceborne story campaign, so I have absolutely no excitement in the least about Frostfang Barioth being added to this game. Knowing my luck, he'll have an awesome reward that can be crafted from his parts so I will be forced to farm the thing anyway, just like the hell that was Furious Rajang. 

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