Featuring a number of jaw-dropping reveals and glimpses at scenes from throughout the full game, the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Final Trailer is here! Play the free demo now: https://sqex.link/FF7RDemo FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will be available worldwide April 10, 2020 on PlayStation 4. The story of this first, standalone game in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE project covers up to the party’s escape from Midgar, and goes deeper into the events occurring in Midgar than the original FINAL FANTASY VII. The world is under the control of Shinra, a corporation controlling the planet's life force as mako energy. In the city of Midgar, Cloud Strife, former member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary lends his aid to the Avalanche resistance group, unaware of the epic consequences that await him.

I know there's people avoiding any and all possible spoilers like the plague when it comes to this game and rightfully so, but to say that this game is well over twenty years old, there's not too much that is going to surprise me at this point going in. I get that the narrative is going to be "cleaned up" and expanded upon where needed, like all remakes should do, but I'm not going to go into this game like this isn't a story I haven't experienced before. For me and a lot of fans of the original game, this was our formal introduction to the RPG genre and cinematic gaming storytelling as a whole. For a final look at the game before people get their hands on it, it seems like this trailer is pulling out all of the stops, but it concerns me that there's VERY little gameplay shown here outside of some teases of fights towards the end of the Shinra Tower and Midgar Escape sections from the original game.

I got a good moment with my father recently when I showed this trailer to him and even he said he remembered me sitting in the den of my parents' home for hours on end when I was in middle school and high school playing this game. (Laughs) His first question about halfway in was whether or not this was a movie about it being made since it looked so real.

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