Samurai Shodown (Samurai Spirits in Japan) is a fighting game series by SNK. In Japan, the name of the series is officially in katakana, but is often written in kanji (侍魂, samurai tamashii), with the second character pronounced supirittsu, "spirits", to better reflect the game's setting.

I haven't played Samurai Showdown - with an "W" - in roughly two decades now, but this newest entry looks like it could be pretty fun. Seems like SNK invoked some essence of what Street Fighter IV a blast to play throughout it's tenure on the landscape of the fighting game community at the time. I'm still surprised that this was already granted a spot at EVO this year to say it's officially launching within a few weeks prior to the tournament. Those interested are going to put in the man hours in terms of crunch time and mastering their strategies within the Training/Practice Modes while learning the in's and out's of the game. 

I know that there have been more trailers focusing on each of the fighters that are going to be in the game, but I have honestly haven't keeping tabs on that. 

I applaud SNK for offering the future DLC content for free for anyone who adopts the game early (namely before June 30) though. That's piece of good will to their player/fan base right off the bat that's going to make newcomers and early adopters of the game stick with it and actually invest more than weekend with it. 

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