After the beloved "Shattered Grid" storyline by BOOM! Comics that sparked a resurgence of popularity for the Power Rangers mythos, it was only a matter of time that Power Rangers were going to get a proper fighting game after that mobile game, Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, panned out.

Last that I heard, that Ryu and Akuma were added to that game as guest fighters, but it seems that this game as a different bit of awe attached to it. Pro gamer and renown fighting game competitor, Justin Wong, is helping play test and offer feedback to the developers on this Marvel vs. Capcom style fighter. From the little that we've seen here, it reminds me a bit of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. From as much shit that game got at launch (deservingly so in terms of Capcom's poor marketing and visuals though), the core gameplay was fun as hell, so I don't see anything wrong with basing the tag mechanic for this fighter off that. Let's just see if everything else comes together properly.

I'm wondering about how many seasons are going to be represented, along with the amount of playable characters. Anyone who has been following Power Rangers (or rather Super Sentai in Japanese) knows they have a wealth of 25+ years of characters to draw from, so that's going to make selecting an unique, yet fun roster of characters to play as a tough decision. In my honest opinion, Lord Drakkon should be a no brainer in terms of a final boss AND playable character.

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