As awesome as this trailer was, I can't help but frown on almost EVERY single solo Marvel superhero film has the titular hero fighting a villain that's literally a clone of them. Ironman fought Iron Monger then guys who were using his same technology against him, Captain America fought the Winter Soldier and Red Skull, Hulk fought Abomination, Thor fought his brother Loki, and most recently we had Ant-Man fight Yellowjacket, who was pretty much a clone of Ant-Man in this continuity with the same technology. It's getting rather tiresome. I'm hoping Klaw gets more screentime than Killmonger to be quite honest. I know the ladies are wetting their panties at Michael B. Jordan landing the role for this film (after playing the Human Torch/Johnny Storm in that colossal flop that was Fox's latest attempt at the Fantastic Four), but I was left rolling my eyes at him wearing some discount copycat Black Panther armor. Now we know why the leaked images for the upcoming toyline for this film look so bad. It's literally just him and Black Panther costume changes. Is it too much to ask for T'Challa to wear the damn cape version of his costume in this? I mean he throws it off in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, but I was hoping for something here. Maybe I'm speaking too soon and there might be a throwback in the film when February rolls around, so I guess I'll have to wait and see on that front.

There's another gripe that I have with this trailer and it's the usage of a rap song for the background theme. I thought Marvel Studios would be better than this to do something so stereotypical when it comes to marketing, but that just utterly disappoints me as a black man to see that. It's 2017 - you don't need a rap song to promote a black film. That's as bad as almost every other moment in Luke Cage was either a rap song or some stereotypical black culture reference or moment. You take that couple it with reading articles like this online, where some of my fellow black people take this stuff FAR too seriously in terms of reactions. Where were you people when the other black superheroes were getting movies and/or TV shows? Where were you people when those black superheroes' comics got cancelled due to low sales and little support?

Don't get it confused either. I'm VERY happy to see Black Panther getting a solo film, but these reactions where people are acting like this is going to be a holiday when this movie drops (much like the same reactions when Wonder Woman's solo film debut occurred earlier this year) are a bit too much. It's just a damn movie. Twenty plus years ago, most of the casual fans wouldn't have given a flying fuck about this being a reality, so don't try to make it be like you're all lit for this now just because you are trying to fit in or going through emotions as the current MCU flavor of the month. If you're genuinely happy to see this, good for you - continue supporting the comic book industry by buying and reading comics and seeing these movies of the characters that you grew up loving.

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