Austin Aries def. No Way Jose
Jose has so much intensity when it comes to his meanstreak and aggression when he needs to fire up. That dude's mean/game face is fucking scary. I'd hate to be in his way on a bad day. Jose was beating up Aries at one point like he was fighting for payback for every slave during the civil rights movement. I was surprised that Aries picked up the win with the Last Chancery in a WWE ring though - even though he comboed into it after the Rolling Powerbomb out of the corner. I would've preferred to see the Brainbuster into it, but that works too.
Overall, this match had some high and low points, but it served as a good warm-up to get the crowd buzzing.
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They put this off LONG enough. About time Itami finally did it in WWE. |
Ember Moon def. Billie Kay
This match was a FAR too short for my taste, but these two SHIMMER Women's Athletes' alumni know each other well enough to get both of their shit in and make this look good enough for Athena's NXT debut. She's been hired for over a year and working house shows just as long so I don't know what was the hold up on getting her on TV until now. I really hope that Moon is built up as the one who ends Asuka's streak. Bayley doesn't need any more accolades in NXT. She's long overdue to move on to the main roster. The women of NXT are being held underneath her thumb as long as she's there in the top spot. It's time to make some new stars in that women's division.
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We finally get to see the O-Face in a WWE ring! Welcome to NXT, Athena... err Ember Moon. |
Bobby Roode def. "Cien" Almas
That entrance was something else, but man, I hated how the Brooklyn crowd ruined this match for me for the most part. They were booing Almas throughout the ENTIRE match when Roode is supposed to be the heel. Cool, you like his entrance but at least TRY to buy into the heel/face dynamic when Almas is busting his ass off trying to get a reaction from the crowd - only in vain. Ultimately, Roode ends it with a fucking Pumphandle Slam/Drop that they are calling the Glorious Bomb. I guess no Payoff (Perfect Plex) since Curtis Axel is still on the payroll nor a Roode Bomb when Cena and like two other guys are using finishers and signatures similar to that, but whatever. That was a fucking lame way to end the match.
Both of these guys tried, but I wasn't really impressed. Both are talented but there's no chemistry between them. They definitely have to do something to change up Almas. I'm starting to think that taking the mask off of La Sombra was a HORRIBLE idea because the Mexican pimp look isn't doing anything for anyone.
NXT Tag Team Championship Match - The Revival (c) def. DIY (Ciampa & Gargano)
This was essentially a tag team clinic from top to bottom. Somehow, someway, the Revival surpassed their performance with American Alpha here and even managed to get in all of their tag team spots in to garner and maintain heel heat. Whether you love or hate this tag team, you have to respect and admit that these guys are the best pure tag team in WWE today. Gargano and Ciampa put up an amazing effort though and don't have a damn thing to be ashamed of.
After that match, I feel like the main roster needs to trash the WWE Tag Team titles because those two divisions are laughable in comparison to what they are doing on NXT. So, when are we getting a #GiveTagTeamsAChance movement going on the main roster?
NXT Women's Championship Match - Asuka (c) def. Bayley
This was a lot more of the same from their first encounter at Takeover: Dallas, but a lot more heavy-hitting from Asuka - if that's even possible - and more aggression from Bayley. There were a few stumbling blocks here and there, but it ultimately came together for the most part.
I'm VERY happy that Bayley didn't pick up the win. Asuka doesn't need to have her hype train derailed by anyone who is set to move up to the main roster at any moment now. I know the marks would have preferred to see Bayley become a two-time NXT Women's Champion but she has overstayed her welcome in NXT for far too long. It's time for Bayley to move on like the rest of the Four Horsewomen.
I thought it was a little in bad taste to have Asuka hug Bayley after the match. That moment takes away a bit of Asuka's aura of bad-assery in my honest opinion. You don't see Brock Lesnar hugging guys after he just beat the shit out of them. Keep me in the suspension of belief that Asuka legit wants to kill all of these girls and eat their flesh.
By the way, how the HELL did Izzy get there? Does WWE have an all-expenses paid deal with that kids' family to be there for all of Bayley's matches?
NXT Championship Match - Shinsuke Nakamura def. Samoa Joe (c)
Going into this match I thought this was going to be a straight up slugfest or a brawl given the build after the last few TV episodes of NXT. Nope - they worked a pretty slow and technical match. It seemed pretty strange to follow up with that after the Brooklyn crowd blew their loads during the Women's title match. Then again, how could you follow up the main event with anything else other than a cool down before slowly building up to another powerful finish.
I have to admit that I applaud WWE for getting someone to play the violin to the sound of Nakamura's theme for his entrance. That was fucking amazing but can they tone down the flashing lights a bit. I had to look away from the TV as I was avoiding having a seizure as my eyes are already bad enough from sensitivity to bright lights.
I was legit shocked that they went with Shinsuke Nakamura getting the gold tonight and becoming the first Japanese NXT Champion - they are really trying to sell the Network to the Japanese fans to compete with New Japan World, huh? At the same time, I hope Samoa Joe is okay. He looked like he couldn't close his jaw after the first Bomaye from Nakamura. The follow-up attacks and the finish didn't do him any favors as the referee threw up the "X" symbol as soon as the match was over. I'm thinking they called an audible with Joe possibly off the table from this injury.
Closing Thoughts
This was a solid show from top to bottom, despite a few very minor stumbling blocks. As usual, it's going to be a tough act to follow for the main roster at Summerslam the following night. The men and women of NXT definitely continued the trend of great wrestling that Ring of Honor started with Death Before Dishonor Friday evening. As for Samoa Joe and Bayley, it's about time that they move up to the main roster after their performances tonight. You could call up the Revival too, but I would be scared to see what happens to the NXT Tag Team division without them. I can honestly see Bayley debuting as early as Sunday during Summerslam or during Monday Night RAW.
As for tonight's show, it blows my mind that there was ZERO talent booked on this card who could be considered in "development" - i.e. meaning that they were trained from scratch out of WWE's system. I guess Triple H wanted to play it safe and stack the card full of their "internet darlings" instead of giving the newer folks a platform. At the same time, that shows how little confidence they have in their own homegrown talent when NXT lives and dies off their big indie signings.
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