I know that I'm late to the party as I've FINALLY had a chance to sit down and watch all of the hours of footage that Nintendo released for this game last month during E3 2016. 

Just wow. I haven't had goosebumps for a new Legend of Zelda title like this not since the first trailers came out for Ocarina of Time. I'm getting that same vibe here and this looks all kinds of awesome. I'm glad to see Nintendo really stepping outside of the box for this game - from the anime-inspired art style to the survivalist changes to gameplay. From the gameplay and exploration videos it's looking like a mash-up of Zelda, Shadow of the Colossus, Vagrant Story, NIER, and even some elements of the recent Tomb Raider reboot. 

2017 seems like FAR too long to make everyone wait on this one. If this doesn't come out soon enough, you can stake that as the last nail in the coffin on the Wii U if you ask me. Not even Pokemon could save it at this rate. 

Seeing technology introduced into the Zelda series is going to be an interesting take for sure. I'm anxious to see how that's going to play out in terms of the narrative, especially with the tablet that Link's carrying around is named after Princess Zelda's alias from the Ocarina of Time, Shiek.

Seeing Link cooking and hunting tells me that Nintendo wanted to take a few gameplay nods from the Assassins' Creed series last few outings. It makes sense to say that he's in a new world without any friends so he's going to have to survive on his own for the most part.

Wow, there's even stealth elements too!? This game is going to be awesome. C'mon Nintendo don't make us wait TOO long for this.

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