This is my first article on this merged edition of Method to Madness after importing all of my former blog content from Let's Talk Wrestling to this page in a single entity, so I'm looking forward to exposing my readers to another layer of my blogging.

Payback Kick-Off - Dolph Ziggler def. Baron Corbin via roll-up

For me, this was the biggest shocker of the night. It was pretty much the same match that they have been having for the past month on weekly WWE programming, so I can't complain that much in that aspect. Besides, you know if anyone can pull out a good match out of Corbin it's going to be Ziggler. From the way how this ended, it seems like they aren't done after this one.

Payback Kick-Off - Kaliso def. Ryback to retain the United States Championship

I think Kalisto and Ryback surprised everyone with this one. It was definitely the match of the evening, seconded only by the main event. It's a damn shame that they had to rush the finish since it was getting too close to the official start time of the main show, but I'm sure they could have stretched this out for a few more minutes. This was the match that I was hoping that these two would have put on at WrestleMania, but hey, it's better late than never, right? Kalisto's pulling out some great matches with the Big Guy, who isn't no slouch either.

By the way, I LOVED how Ryback trolled the Chicago crowd with the CM Punk taunt. It would have been even more hilarious if he pulled off the Go To Sleep as well for even more heel heat.

Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Vaudevillains ended in no contest

This match had the ingredients for an amazing tag team match, despite the fact that the New Day were making a mockery of the tag team division (as always) by sitting at ringside eating snacks. Unfortunately, this match was ended by referee stoppage after Enzo took a nasty spill by hitting his head onto the ropes then bouncing it again onto the mat before falling out to the ring. That blank stare in his eyes had me fearing the worst during the live broadcast as we lost El Hijo del Perro Aguayo roughly a year ago in a similar incident.

Fortunately, Enzo Amore only suffered a concussion and is doing fine as of this posting.

Kevin Owens def. Sami Zayn

I have seen these guys fight each other in several promotions over the last decade, so I knew what to expect going into this match. To be honest, I felt that this conflict was rather tame to say it's been building up this long since well over a year ago. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying they had a bad match, just was expecting a little more in this conflict, even though it was a solid match tonight. I was even more shocked that Owens picked up the win AND Owens laid out Zayn again after the next match. I understand that WWE is doing the whole underdog thing with Zayn but to the casual fan they are painting the picture of Zayn looking like a loser thus far. I'm sure this is going to lead to some huge win later down the line but if I were in charge of booking and creative for WWE, I would be a little more careful of how they are treating Zayn. They could easily make him the new Daniel Bryan for this generation of fans, but at the same time, if he loses too much, he will become another Dolph Ziggler.

The Miz (w/ Maryse Ouellet) def. Cesaro to retain the Intercontinental Championship

I like Cesaro but for as much as he was dominating over Miz here, I wasn't feeling their chemistry in this match. The only thing that was really making this match stand out was Kevin Owens sticking around to belittle Michael Cole and Byron Saxton on commentary. The match itself wasn't bad; it just dragged on too long for my taste. Cesaro was made to look like an idiot during the finish, where he released the hold to shove Owens and Zayn off the ring apron, only for Miz to roll him up for the win. Another thing that was annoying me was how Maryse was doing little to show her purpose and value as Miz's valet. Maryse is hot as hell and I absolutely adore her, but goddamn this chick knows nothing about being a valet. I hope someone tells her to watch Lana or go back and study some of Sherri Martel's stuff or even watch what Maria Kanellis is doing on Impact Wrestling.

Being a pretty face at ringside only goes so far before WWE goes, "Why do we need you here?" Just saying.,,

Dean Ambrose def. Chris Jericho

Maybe it's just me but these two guys just don't click well with me. AJ Styles and Jericho worked well throughout WrestleMania season, but this match-up just seemed a little off. Call me a little cynical but I just can't get behind Jericho in 2016, especially when he can't decide if he's still in 2000s or trying to be Bon Jovi's dad.

Charlotte (w/ Ric Flair) def. Natalya (w/ Bret Hart) with a mock Montreal Chicago Screwjob finish

This definitely wasn't as good as their Roadblock match and it was a far cry from their match back during the finals of the Women's Championship Tournament on NXT. About time that Charlotte learned to work an opponent's limbs before applying the Figure Eight.

Vince McMahon puts BOTH Shane and Stephanie in charge of Monday Night RAW

Complete waste of time here. All of that hype and pandering to the crowd - which could have been the opening segment to Monday Night RAW the next night - only to drop this weak ass solution to the "who's in charge?" dilemma.

I will admit that I was entertained that both Vince and Stephanie were trolling the Chicago with egging the crowd on with the CM Punk chants and even throwing in a few of CM Punk's lines into their mic work. Clever stuff there, that went over most people's heads on social media from what I noticed last night.

Roman Reigns def. AJ Styles to retain the WWE Championship

This was a rather exciting main event. Where was this Reigns at WrestleMania? Styles definitely brought out the best in that guy tonight. Finally, the Usos backed up Reigns and it made fucking sense against Gallows and Karl Anderson. I'm still holding my breath for the swerve that they are not affiliated with Styles, but are working for the Authority or Finn Balor in the near future.

I don't have a problem with Reigns retaining the title (despite the fact that they already confirmed the rematch at Extreme Rules later this month). I just wish that WWE would stop making AJ Styles' "big" moves (Styles Clash, Springboard Flip-DDT, etc.) seem ineffective against just about anyone and can't end matches.

1 تعليقات

  1. Will we see WWE Paige at WWE Payback 2017? Paige's Private photos were leaked online. I am confused regarding this incident.


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