It's the last day of 2015 and I want to address a few things going into the New Year. I'm going to either piss a lot of people off or I'm going to make people nod their heads collectively in agreement. Then there's the third option where I get a combination of both. I'm personally banking on the latter, so we'll see in due time.

Livetweeting Wrestling Broadcasts in 2016

As you guys know, I have cut down my livetweeting considerably at the end of this year, mainly due to the fact that WWE was burning me out with watching RAW and Smackdown. Hopefully in the New Year the broadcasts will be better and actually worth my time going into WrestleMania season. I can guarantee that I'm going to get back to watching Impact Wrestling since they are moving to POP! TV and I actually have that channel, as well as continue watching Ring of Honor, NXT, and Lucha Underground in the new year.

I don't go back to work until Jan. 5th, so I might stay up late and watch Wrestle Kingdom 10 live at 3AM EST on Sunday so stay tuned on that. I need an excuse to renew my New Japan World account anyway. I'm not going to be watching on a shitty pirated stream that's for sure. NJPW is providing an English commentary alternative for those interested, so it's definitely worth checking out. I need to do a better job of keeping up with New Japan's product in 2016 as well.

One thing is certain though...

In 2016, I'm not going to allow unruly and disrespectful people on social media to ruin my personal enjoyment of what I love about professional wrestling. I have started to do so towards the end of the year and it's going to be heavily enforced in 2016 as I'm blocking anything that comes tagged to any of my social media accounts as offensive or disrespectful. I'm done preaching that if you don't like the product stop fucking watching. There's MORE than enough wrestling out there to suit anyone and everyone's taste.

You guys know that I love to joke around about the ladies on here, so I don't understand why so many females got butt-hurt over me making fun of their fixations on Roman Reigns. Ya'll like the guy don'tcha? So what's the problem? It's not like I'm trying to stab the guy during his entrance. Sex sells, whether you like it or not. That's why the porn industry is still around. I'm not going to play coy and act like I'm ignoring the sexual attractiveness of anyone in this business. C'mon, WWE completely understand that appearances will bring more new viewers than the "pure wrestling" loyalists. I would be a billionaire if I had a penny for every time I ran into a fan who said that they were only watching just to see the hot women or the guys that they are fawning over. There's NOTHING wrong with admitting that! I know someone is going to read that and take it as an insult when it's not meant to be one. Hell, I like the competitive aspect AND the smokin' hot women. I get to kill two birds with one stone with my wrestling.

If I wanted to see ugly girls fighting all the time I would be watching ghetto brawls on WorldStarHipHop or more MMA in general... Just being honest here.

The Divas Revolution & the So-Called Supporters of Women's Wrestling

I could make myself mad tonight writing a novel about this but I'm going to limit myself to a few bullet points.

Which Sasha Banks vs. Bayley Takeover Match is the Best?

Easy choice here - their match at Takeover: Brooklyn was the classic Dusty Rhodes narrative. Babyface overcomes EVERY obstacle in her way to earn the big win in the end over the vile heel. Outside of involving Bayley's super fan Izzy, their rematch in the Ironman Match pales in comparison. Not to mention a lot of sloppy spots and horribly executed moves.

Is Sasha Banks vs. Bayley the Greatest Match of All-Time?

For NXT Divas? Yes. For WWE Divas as a whole for all-time? Not really. That's not a fair argument in the least. Different time periods, different crowds, and different styles of women's wrestling. On top of that, women's wrestling on the independent scene has been in the vein of this VERY SAME style that Sara Amato (formerly indy women's wrestling sensation Sara Del Rey) is training the next generation of WWE Divas to showcase down on NXT. Just because you haven't watched anything outside of WWE's style of women's wrestling don't be so quick to regard this performance (while amazing in it's own right) as the greatest of all time.

Why isn't WWE pushing Sasha Banks?

Note: This is a direct copy & paste from the same topic discussed on this blog's Facebook page.

They know they have a potential goldmine with her after her success on NXT. After moving her onto the main roster, it seems like she's been simply cast aside. One could say it's the glass ceiling that WWE obviously has for black/African-American wrestlers in their company (You have to be retarded or incredibly naive to believe otherwise), one could say that she's not that really attractive (seriously she looks like Jackalman from Thundercats to me 70% of the time to me... I know I'm going to get heat for saying that but oh well I don't give a flying fuck) - we ALL know WWE is an appearance-heavy marketing company, or you could credit it to the fact that they are simply WAITING FOR THE BEST OPPORTUNITY.

I'm leaning towards all of the above, but mainly the latter because look at Paige and Charlotte's careers on the main roster. Both had MASSIVE success on NXT as former Women's Champions. Both had a speedy push to the top to overthrown the then "top Divas" shortly after their arrivals onto the main roster. If WWE did that, everyone would be just as bored as they are right now with Paige and Charlotte. All flash and no substance. WWE didn't give them a chance to get a slow climb or chase to the top. Imagine if they give Sasha a solid storyline to build off of that carries her throughout WM season and ends with her against whoever the champion is at WrestleMania? Wouldn't that be worth waiting for?

    Slut-shaming on the WWE Divas

    All year I've been hearing Diva marks talk about ‪#‎GiveDivasAChance‬ when they are the same ones who don't want to give anyone but their token favorites the chance to shine. They weren't happy unless AJ Lee was on top, wasn't happy after Nikki Bella got knocked off her throne, wasn't happy after they got what they wanted with Charlotte as champion, Eva Marie couldn't wrestle and she's actually getting training and people are STILL aren't happy. For the love of all things holy if it's one damn thing I'm going to distance myself from in 2016 is these marks who complain just to complain who are ruining my personal enjoyment of this sport. I'm pretty sure these same "fans" won't be happy when Sasha wins the Divas championship either.
      When/where Sasha wins the title isn't going to matter, nor whether or not if the title is the Women's title nor the Divas title. Fans claim they want change but they aren't willing to accept change completely and willing to change their own personal receptions of how they view women's wrestling. If the fans aren't willing to change then everything that women like Sasha are doing are all for nothing.
        That's one thing that differs my opinion on women's wrestling than the bulk of the people I encounter online. I may not like how every woman in WWE looks but I respect their efforts and I'm willing to give them the benefit of a doubt to improve and impress me in the ring. I don't sit here completely ruling out these women out of some petty hatred I have manufactured from reading "drama" from dirtsheets or from my own insecurities.

        Closing Words

        I'm going to continue enjoying professional wrestling in my own way, whether it be watching in the privacy of my own free time or among my fellow passionate fans on social media. I'm going to continue to write about wrestling - what I love about it and what I wish would change in the new year. Wrestling has been part of my life for a long time and I'm going to continue loving it, one way or another.

        See you guys in the New Year where I plan to do my usual wrestling wishlist for the year sometime into the new year before the Royal Rumble. 

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