Unless you've been hiding underneath a rock over the past week, then you would have missed a lot of great upcoming movie trailers for films coming to a theater near you - sooner more than later. That being said there's a LOT of great movies for my fellow geeks to enjoy on the horizon.

Ant-Man - Trailer #2

I honestly had my doubts about this film until I saw this trailer and I'm 100% sold onto this. Wasp (out of costume) AND Yellowjacket are in this? Sold. Plus, I'm sure there's going to be a few great action figures that come out of this.

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) - Live Action Movie Trailer #2

I don't care if I have to import a copy of the Japanese release on DVD, but goddamn, take my money NOW!

Avengers: Age of Ultron - TV Spot

I'm trying to avoid spoilers via commercials like the plague, but ugh, it's already bad enough that a lot of these trailers AND the toys on the shelves already spoiled quite a bit of content in this film. May 1st can't get here soon enough...

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice - First Official Trailer

I've had people flipping out over this trailer, dying to know what I think of this so far, and I'm STILL very, very skeptical. I think DC/WB are trying to do far too much in one film given from this trailer and the reported news of casting, but let's see how it turns out when it's all said and done. Hell, I thought Avengers was going to be a colossal box office flop for Marvel Studios and I was proud to be wrong there. Let's see if DC does the same here.

Fantastic Four - Trailer #2 (First Look at Dr. Doom)

I honestly still don't see a reason for a reboot, but I hope this tanks for FOX can have a reason to give Marvel's first family back to where they belong along with Spider-Man. While they are at it, I want FOX to give up the ghost on X-Men too.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Trailer #2

Truth be told, I have NEVER been much of a Star Wars geek even though I've enjoyed the films (namely the original trilogy) since I was a kid. The prequel movies were the butt-end of jokes throughout college though. This is looking to be promising so far, especially to see that there's a prominent black protagonist this time around. Lando (Empire Strikes Back) doesn't count as he wasn't around for a full film until Return of the Jedi, then Mace Windu (Samuel Jackson) wasn't a "main" character, despite appearing in all three of the prequel films.

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