Overwatch was one of the first "big" news to come out of BlizzCon this weekend was Blizzard Entertainment's reveal of their take on the science-fiction genre with a new team-based shooter in the vein of the VERY popular and successful team-based shooter, Team Fortress 2.

It's my pleasure to share the multiple trailers, gameplay videos, and information that was unveiled today to the masses. I don't know about anyone else but Blizzard definitely has perked my interest.

Premiere Trailer

I wish more developers would do trailers like this. Hell, I wouldn't even mind a full-length animated series based within this universe.

Every Known Character Class, Broken Down

Credit: Kotaku for the information on all of the classes thus far. 

Right now, there are twelve announced classes. Each one works differently, in terms of controls and in terms of role. Let's take a closer look, shall we? Note how many of these moves and abilities were showcased in the trailer—the flashiness wasn't all for show!


Tracer is a young pilot with a cute accent that somehow got lost in time during a test flight. As a result, she can manipulate time at will. Left clicking uses her "pulse pistols," Shift allows her to dash forward in time, E allows her to dash backwards in time, and Q drops a pulse bomb. See all of this in action here:


The cool, bespectacled class we saw in the trailer earlier, Winston is a genetically engineered gorilla who is also a scientist. Right click uses his "Tesla Cannons," which he can charge, Shift lets him use a Jump Pack for added mobility, E makes Winston put up a shield, and Q lets Winston go into "Primal Rage," something that looks like a beserk mode (which we saw in the trailer!) 


A lady obsessed with perfection and order, Symmetra can bend reality, use sentry drones, and set up teleporters.


A otherwise gentle robot (see the birdy?), Bastion can shoot, set up remote controlled mines, turn into a cannon, and more.


One of the slickest of the bunch, Reaper is a pistol-wielding terrorist according to Overwatch's fiction. He can turn into a wraith, he has a move called Shadow Step that allows him to teleport, he can do an awesome spinning move called death blossom, and more.


An infamous engineer, Torbjorn has a rivet gun, a forge hammer (of course), a turret, and more.


One of the more nefarious-looking classes, Widowmaker is an assassin with no emotion (how original). Her sniper is called "Widow's Kiss," she has a grappling hook, and she can set up mines.


A former criminal, Hanzo can use a bow and arrow for damage, or to reveal nearby enemies (very clever). Hanzo can also wall climb, and he can unleash dragons onto his enemies.


A monk seeking enlightenment, Zenyatta can shoot all sorts of orbs, and he can become immune to damage by transcending reality.


A hammer wielding champion, Reinhardt can also pull out a shield, as well as charge enemies. Looks like a bulky class that packs a lot of power.


A soldier, Pharah can shoot rockets, has versatile jets that can boost her, she has concussive blasts, and generally very offense-oriented moves. Basically, she looks like she'll be a major force to be reckoned with.


One of the more angelic-looking classes, Mercy is a literal guardian angel. She can heal, she's a scientist, she uses a staff, as well as a small blaster.

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