Two days ago, Rocksteady released this first gameplay video of the latest footage to come from the upcoming final Batman video game in the Arkham series, Arkham Knight. I don't know about you guys but I can't stop watching this over and over without getting excited.

(Stands up and applauds) After Batman: Arkham Origins (I know that I still owe you guys a review on that game...), I was really starting to worry about the future of this franchise, but this trailer as COMPLETELY restored my faith in these games.

I was a little skeptical on how the Batmobile would be implied from the initial trailers before this. I felt that it would take away from Batman's gliding and swinging around Gotham, but this trailer proves that the transitions between the two will be seamless. I thought the ability to pick up and drop off victims/hostages with the Batmobile was pretty damn cool too.

The ability to link/chain multiple takedowns was something I wanted in since Arkham City, so that was an added bonus to see here. About time they went outside of the box in terms of improvements and upgrades to Predator actions as well. I would love a complete breakdown to exactly how the "Fear Takedowns" differ from the standard normal stealth Takedowns.

One thing I have to wonder is Rocksteady keeping up that bullshit idea about the cannons on the Batmobile firing "non-lethal" rounds when it's clearly exploding on contact like damn grenades. These guys in the Arkham Knight's "army" are clearly wearing body armor, so I'm doubt some bullshit non-lethal rounds are going to keep them down for long.

I'm not dwelling too hard on story/plot details for now, but I'm anxiously awaiting the next part in this gameplay teaser series.

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