Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Now that's out of the way, I hope all of my loyal readers have a wonderful and safe holiday.

Don't worry I'm not going to make this a long post.

Last year, I was still friends with someone in particular who I recently stopped wasting my time and breath interacting with. This particular person was negative about everything in life, even belittling and disrespecting the value of our so-called friendship. I got fed up with this individual's attitude and told them to make me a list of things that they were thankful for since everything is so horrible (our so-called friendship included) and worth complaining about all the time. That particular person's list was rather disappointing and lack, but I KNOW that I can do a much better job at the task.

Note: For those of you who are some of my friends from the world of e-federations, then yes, I'm referring two one of the quitters...

Friends & Family

Whether I know you personally for a lifetime or we have never met in person but have shared laughs and unique experiences together in an online environment, I'm thankful to have those individuals in my life.

There are times that we may butt heads and not see eye-to-eye, but I love my family (by blood or my surrogate internet family of friends) nonetheless.

My Means of Escapism

Anime, Video Games, Film, Comic Books, Cartoons, Etc. 

Media and it's various forms cannot cease to amaze me. They serve as fuel to my already overly-active imagination.

While we're talking films, I cannot thank Marvel Comics enough for adapting their comic book universe into the Cinematic Universe. They started something that almost every studio in Hollywood is trying to replicate.

Blogging & Social Media Outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instant Messaging, Etc.)

I do this for two reasons - my sanity and for you guys, my loyal followers and fans. I've met and reacquainted myself with you guys over social media. I wouldn't have it any other way. For the time being, I have quality friends and fans here over quantity. Quantity will come in time - I value the meaningful and intelligent conversations with those of you who take your time to comment on ramblings.

I cannot thank you all enough.

My Life

Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone in this world, but I'm thankful for these roughly 30 years of life on this planet. Not many people can say that they have good health or two feet that they can stand and walk on, but that is something else that I won't take for granted and be thankful for.

My individuality

In a world where I notice that it is becoming a rarity to value this trait as most people are so preoccupied with being like everyone else to the point where they lose what makes them different. I was ridiculed for it when I was in my adolescence but now it's one of my greatest personality traits that draws people to get to know me on a personal level.

My Love of Professional Wrestling

Last but not least... I'm drifting off to sleep here, but I'll wrap this up. Normally I would keep wrestling to just Let's Talk Wrestling, but I have met most of my closest friends through discussions and my love of wrestling over the years. For that, along with the endless amount of entertainment that I have for this sport, I cannot thank the promotions and the wrestlers themselves enough.

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