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Looks like I'm not the only one who is waging a war against insomnia... |
It's roughly 3:28AM on Saturday morning and I'm looking at the last date where I published a new article on here. It was dated on May 23, 2014, reviewing X-Men: Days of Future Past. Since then, I haven't been really focused or had the drive to write anything new - hence my current lack of new content. Sure, I've been still actively posting new posts on Facebook, but it seems like everytime I start on something new here, something gets in the way to sidetrack me.
I'm going to change that now. If I can't think of a set article to write about here, I'm just going to write and rant about stuff on my mind at the moment. That way you guys get an idea of what's going on in this looney bin that I call a brain and there's something new to check out here.
Movies and TV Shows I've seen but haven't bothered to review:
- Agents of SHIELD Season 1 Finale
- Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
- Avengers Assemble Season 1 Finale
- Beware the Batman (Complete Series)
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods (2013)
- Frozen (2013)
- Hulk and the Agents of SMASH
- Kill la Kill (literally JUST finished this tonight...)
- Soul Eater
- The Legend of Korra - Book 3 Premiere
- Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
- Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors (Season 3)
Movies and TV Shows I've recently started but haven't finished:
- Black Lagoon
- Blue Exorcist
- Digimon Fusion (Xros Wars)
- One Piece (I have a LONG way to go to catch up...)
- Space Dandy
- Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist
- Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 animated series; Season 2)
- Yu-Gi-OH! Zexal
- X-Men (anime)
Video Games that I've finished but haven't bothered to review:
- Batman: Arkham Origins
- Batman: Arkham Origins -- Cold, Cold Heart DLC
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- Crackdown
- Dust: An Elysian Tail
- Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light
- NIER -- World of Recycled Vessel DLC
- Sonic Generations
Video Games that I've recently started but haven't finished:
- Bastion
- Black Knight Sword
- BloodRayne: Betrayal
- Charlie Murder
- Dark Souls
- Front Mission Evolved
- Hydrophobia
- I Am Still Alive
- Mass Effect 3
- Mega Man Powered Up
- Mega Man 9
- Ranger X
- Remember Me
- Resident Evil 6
The media titles listed above are just a mere sample of stuff that I have found myself dabbling in here and there.
Fighting game fans will be shocked to know that I haven't even purchased Ultra Street Fighter IV yet. I did watch and thoroughly enjoyed watching Evolution Championship Series 2014 last weekend, but sadly I wasn't bothered to want to write a full article about it. Sure, it was impressive that Luffy became "king of the pirates" and won the tournament for Ultra Street Fighter IV while Justin Wong finally established himself as the king of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but that drive to write about it wasn't just there. I didn't even feel like covering those huge upsets that saw Infiltration and Daigo Umehara get eliminated off-stream. Like how the HELL you don't stream their matches when they were former champions?? Ugh, whatever. I was more impressed with some of the games with smaller entry numbers, such as Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and BlazBlue that managed to have more excitement than both Smash, USF4, and UMvC3 combined.
Speaking of Tekken, Harada announced Tekken 7 and I'm like "cool" but at the same time, I want them to make this one more accessible like how Capcom did with Street Fighter IV. It's do or die time for Tekken. I know Harada doesn't want his flagship series to fall the way of Soul Calibur has in recent years, especially with it's anniversary coming up.
Man, I called myself trying to play online on Tekken Tag 2 after EVO and got royally spanked online. I really want to enjoy that game, but I just need to break down and find a hardcore movement/backdash-cancelling guide or something. My fundamentals are straight garbage.
As for movie/TV show reviews, I like to write those while they are fresh on my mind. As a result, I feel bad that I didn't write those up. Beware the Batman is in reruns on Cartoon Network's weekend Toonami block, but I can confidently say that I'll get a review done before the entire series finishes airing as I doubt they are getting another season. Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) I really want to review, but I'm personally waiting until after Toonami reaches Episode 13 as I'm pretty iffy on my reception of the series with English voices as I watched it entirely in Japanese with English subtitles. On top of that, I have to be really careful on what I say in that review since I have read the mangas (like all of them up to date) and I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't. It's another anime, much like Soul Eater and Deadman Wonderland, where I get pissed off trying to write about it as it seems like a complete cop-out to make fans race out to read/buy the mangas to find out what happened next. I guess it's too much to ask for animes to wait until they finish up before they get an anime based off of them. Everyone wants to go that Shonen Jump route and don't know how to end their shit... Ugh.
Oh yeah, I heard DBZ: Battle of the Gods is getting a North American movie theater release. Seriously, download this shit and watch on your own computer. This is NOT worth watching in the theater. If you really want to support DBZ, then be my guest then.
I know I've dogged Avengers Assemble, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Hulk and the Agents of SMASH for a while now, but Disney/Marvel have changed them up a bit for the better. SMASH is definitely the best of Disney's Marvel-centric animation block - even managed to pull a Planet Hulk-style storyline recently along with introducing the Inhumans, but Avengers Assembled got interesting at the end of Season 1, where they teased the coming of Thanos for Season 2 after a climactic battle with the Red Skull who possessed the Tesseract (Cosmic Cube). Season 3 of Ultimate Spider-Man starts off with Spidey working as an active member of the Avengers, but quickly changes gears as Spidey wants to form his own set of "New Warriors". This season's plot then shifts into a race between Spidey and Taskmaster to recruit the aspiring new heroes/villains that are appearing in New York City. So far, The Vulture, Cloak & Dagger, Agent Venom (Flash Thompson), Squirrel Girl, and Iron Spider (Amadeus Cho) have appeared in this season. Drake Bell's annoying ass is still voicing Spidey, so you still have to put up with that. Other than that, Spidey's hanging out with those three losers from the first two seasons (this series' iterations of White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man, and Nova) even less here. That's a GOOD thing in my book.
While Legend of Korra's second season was a bit of hit or miss for me, I think Book 3 is off to a great start. Airbending isn't so rare anymore after the events of Book 2, but this season introduces an older Prince Zuko, along with Toph's other daughter as we FINALLY get a bit of backstory on my favorite character, Lin Beifong. There's vicious group of new antagonists, who all have mastered a different type of bending who want to capture Korra at all costs. On top of all of that, this season is focused on showing more of the world in this timeline, namely showing how corrupt Ba Sing Se has become after the war with the Fire Lord. While the live-action TMNT movie looks like hot garbage, the 2012 cartoon has been rather interesting. The core of Season 2's plot focuses on Karai finding out the truth about her standing in the vendetta between Shredder and Splinter. I personally love Shredder's new lieutenant, Tiger Claw, who reeks of so much awesome in this season.
As for gaming, I honestly haven't given a flying fuck about anything new recently. I should be caring about that upcoming Destiny beta and I even got invites to both PlayStation NOW and Incarnates: Rise of the Imperfects betas/alphas, but I don't have the means to enjoy them. I don't have a gaming rig to run Incarntes, I don't have a PlayStation 4 to try the PS NOW service, and I don't have the cash for Destiny. As a result, I'm stuck still plowing away at my gaming backlog.
Sonic Generations was easily the best Sonic game I have played in a LONG time. It was great to see Sega finally get back to the roots of what makes a good Sonic game. Batman: Arkham Origins was okay, but the game left me craving to go back to Arkham City even more. There's too much "been there, done that" and I cannot stress enough on how much of a glitch/bug-filled mess this game is. I'm going to eventually write an in-depth review after I get chance to run a few games of multiplayer with friends. The Cold, Cold Heart DLC is definitely worth a look for players who loved the Mr. Freeze boss fight from Arkham City. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons sported some innovative controls, but had a rather predictable ending. I wish it was a bit longer too as I was just left with the feeling of "That's it??" once you get to the end. After Crackdown was free on Games on Gold, I was addicted to that for about 2 weeks straight. Who knew jumping around like a superpowered cop could be so fun? Sadly, the game becomes TOO easy after you get the Homing Rockets and Cluster Grenades, save for like the last 2-3 crime lords. I finished Dust: An Elysian Tail like AGES ago, right before my laptop and external hard drive all decided to die on me simultaneously. I wanted to record/capture some footage of gameplay but so much for that since the old laptop died. I get pissed off every time I think of that... As for the game itself, I definitely recommend it to action/adventure gamers, but especially to over-the-top action fans/fighting game enthusiasts. There's custom combos and a few parries to make things a bit more deep if you're willing to invest time into the combat system. A few months ago at E3, it was announced that Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light was getting a 4-player co-op sequel and I'm glad. The original title was a blast to play and I humbly suggest that to old and new Tomb Raider fans. There's something for everyone - hidden artifacts to award players for exploration, various combat upgrades and hidden weapons for beating the preset best scores per level, and more. I finished NIER about 2-3 years ago, but the problem is that there's 4 different endings that build onto the game's narrative from the previous playthrough. I just haven't bothered to get the requirements to get the last two endings. I'm proud of myself for not reading the spoilers on those yet.
As for the games that I haven't finished, I'm just taking my time as I have been watching more stuff on TV and on the computer than actually taking the time to use my gaming console for anything other than watching stuff on Twitch TV or a random DVD or two from the local Redbox.
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