After the events at the end of last month's episode that warranted a perfect rating from yours truly, let's see if Agents of SHIELD continues to deliver.
The Plot: (Full Spoilers)
Skye is rushed to a S.H.I.E.L.D. medical facility to save her life. The doctors are only able to stabilize her, forcing Coulson to bring her to the S.H.I.E.L.D. location where he was revived. Agents John Garrett (Bill Paxton) and Antoine Triplett (B.J. Britt) board the Bus in order to claim Ian Quinn, who Garrett's men had been pursuing, and bring him to the Fridge for questioning, as Coulson refuses to turn him over. Garrett compromises with Coulson when he realizes he is keeping Quinn until he can save Skye.Through interrogating Quinn, Coulson and Garrett learn that the Clairvoyant made Quinn shoot Skye, so he could learn how Coulson came back from the dead. Fitz and Simmons, who are looking over Coulson's medical files, realize that S.H.I.E.L.D. did not revive Coulson, rather a place known as the "Guest House". They realize a specific drug would be there to help Skye. At the "Guest House", Coulson, Ward, Garrett and Fitz enter and find the place rigged with explosives after taking out the only guards. Fitz is able to find the drug, while Coulson finds a room marked "T.A.H.I.T.I." Inside, Coulson finds additional drugs as well as the upper half of a blue-skinned humanoid corpse. All are able to get out before the facility implodes, with Fitz getting the drug to Simmons in time to save Skye, despite Coulson's reservations, based on what he saw.
In the final scene, Lorelei (Elena Satine) arrives at a motel in Death Valley and comes across a newlywed couple. She mesmerizes the man, who drives away with her, leaving his wife at the motel.
The Verdict:
(Laughs) No, that is NOT Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen... |
I have to admit that this episode laid on the cheesiness pretty thick with this episode, especially with a lot of bad one liners from newcomers John Garrett (Bill Paxton) and Antoine Triplett (B.J. Britt). Paxton is a fine actor, but I was disappointed at his portrayal of Agent Garrett. Paxton came off as a generic action hero straight out of a '80's action flick, which was pretty ironic with his array of references to American pop culture. I just wish that Garrett gave us a bit more to chew on in terms of narrative. It was interesting that he has connections to both Coulsen and Ward's backgrounds, but it wasn't enough to warrant a reason to care in this episode. Triplett was immediately thrown into the creepy guy archetype, who appeared to be
Other than cheesiness, this episode was littered with a few head scratching moments as well. I couldn't understand why the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents felt the need to kill the guards without thinking twice after they got to the "Guest House". Fitz has shown off firearms designed to stun in the past, but in this episode, the guys just run in there like Rambo guns ablazin'? C'mon, a little consistency please. I can understand the urgency to save Skye, but would she really want them to save her at the cost of slaughtering other people? Another thing I didn't understand was if The Clairvoyant can see everything then why would he allow Quinn to be captured in the first place? So much for that catch-22, if the place blew before Coulsen's team left from out of there, The Clairvoyant wouldn't have learned anything period. I'm just ready for them to reveal The Clairvoyant's identity and get this over with. As it stands, I'm going to predict that The Clairvoyant is someone from Skye's old group of hackers and only knows everything since he/she has been hacking S.H.I.E.L.D.'s networks for years as I seriously doubt that Joss Whedon is going to inject mutants (especially telepaths) into this continuity yet. At least not before Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (i.e. Magneto's children) are confirmed to debut.
Enough of my rambling... what did I think of this episode as whole? "T.A.H.I.T.I." gets a 3 out of 5. After the raising the bar to perfection on last month's episode, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD falls short with this return from hiatus. Sure, the "G.H." situation and the inclusion of Lorelei got people talking, but this episode didn't provide much else in terms of substance.
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Jaime Alexander is set to reprise her role in next week's episode as Sif. |
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