To be perfectly honest, I wasn't going to do a write-up on this second episode and just do a write-up on this show as a whole at the end of the season, but I was literally in tears laughing by the end of this episode, so let's do this, folks.

Episode Synopsis: 

Eva Marie plans to achieve a winning rank by creating a scheming plan. The Bella Twins take some time off and enjoy a vacation with Daniel Bryan and John Cena. Cameron and Naomi are horrified when they experience a wardrobe malfunction.

The Verdict: 

Things don't go for Eva Marie as she originally planned with Fandango as she lied through her teeth to everyone in WWE, starting from creative to Fandango (Johnny Curtis) about her dancing ability. To say that her boyfriend took the time to come all the way out there to visit her and propose to her, I felt that it was really disrespectful that she took off her engagement ring, hoping to score more brownie points with Fandango. She didn't have to put on the sluttiest outfit that she owned either... She should have known that she was in over her head after Fandango asked her out to the club that night and he was really into her. C'mon, now girl. You can't be that stupid. Fandango wanted to hear you scream his name that night. I have to be honest, it's a bit weird hearing Johnny Curtis talking normal, despite seeing him back on NXT a few years ago. I'm sure Maxine (Karlee Perez) is stilling at home, watching this episode literally beside herself laughing... I fell out laughing when the girls were giving Eva Marie tips on how to dance properly and Cameron goes, "Can't go out there and shit the bed!" Then Eva Marie actually goes on stage for the audition and literally makes an ass out of herself. My issue with this part is much like the so-called "cancelled" Divas Match at WrestleMania, you know this was all manufactured drama. The spacing gave it the entire "made-for-TV" impression and like they were making this as a storyline for RAW or Smackdown! to be on TV next week. Let's be realistic for a second. If any other rookie Diva pulled this stunt they would have been fired on the spot. The icing on the cake during the entire ordeal of Eva Marie getting caught in the middle of her huge and outrageous lie was the Queen of the WWE Divas, Stephanie McMahon laying down the law. I like the nice little cliffhanger for this episode that Stephanie left with Eva. 

On a side note, JoJo is still stuck being Eva Marie's personal secretary...

Breakout star of this episode was Sandra the Seamstress. Cameron deserved that treatment after going behind her back and special ordering her own outfits without even consulting Naomi about this ordeal. Line of the week is definitely Naomi's complaint about the outfit, "All my cookie is hanging out!" I swear I love Naomi even more after I started watching this show. Jimmy Uso is my dude too as I literally had the same expression on my face as he did when Naomi had Cameron on speakerphone and heard how nasty ghetto this girl is. I cringe every time that Cameron opens her mouth. I'm black and it bothers me on how bad she sounds on TV. 

Another side note, there's more bad editing on this episode. Look at the start of Tons of Funk entrance, NO ONE is that hyped during their entrance. I refuse to believe that. 

Did anyone else catch that Naomi wearing AJ Lee's new shirt? (In Gregory Helms' voice) What's up with dat? 

The whole ordeal between John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Nikki Bella, and Brie Bella was borderline softcore porn for the ladies watching at home when Bryan and Cena were chopping wood with their shirts off at Bryan's house. From the way the Bellas were dressed to chop wood, I thought it was beginning of how one of those uncut commercials start. During this entire segment, I wanted to tell Nikki to shut the fuck up. She claims that they are nothing like their in-ring personalities but she comes off as a materialistic prima donna. Nikki and Cena's relationship seems to be built off fancy gifts and materialistic things, while Bryan and Brie's relationship is a lot different. They appreciate the smaller things in life and Nikki has no place in telling Brie how to approach her own relationship. I think the best advice one of my elderly co-workers gave me was that a relationship only works when your significant other brings to the table just as much as you're willing to sacrifice. Nikki trying to control Brie's relationship really left a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of this entire episode. 

At least Cena showed more emotion in this episode, but I think being around Mr. Down-to-Earth aka Daniel Bryan helped in that regard. I have to wonder how this is going to carry over into their storyline going into Summerslam. I had to laugh at how this episode pretty much made Cena and Bryan's contrasting lifestyles like being Aladdin before and after getting the magic lamp. Sure, Cena's career is better than Bryan's at the moment, but c'mon it can't be THAT bad to be Bryan. To Bryan's credit, I can buy his and Brie's relationship to be more genuine than Nikki and Cena's. Nikki and Cena's relationship seems to be all smoke and mirrors from the way it's portrayed on this show. 

Once again, I had to feel bad for Natalya. She had little to no involvement on this episode, unlike the other Divas who each all had a storyline going for them. Let's hope Natalya gets the ball rolling next week. 

All in all, this was a good follow-up to the premiere episode. Eva Marie did nothing but make herself into WWE's new resident skank, knocking Eve Torres out of the rankings, despite of how manufactured that storyline with Fandango was in this episode. The Bella Twins gave us more insight onto each of their individual relationships with John Cena and Daniel Bryan while showing off their homes. The Funkadactyls proved to be the stars of this week's episode with their hilarious dilemma with their wardrobes. WWE, if you guys are reading this blog, listen closely. This show needs more Stephanie McMahon and Sandra the Seamstress on a regular basis. I don't care how, just make it happen. 

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