I apologize for the lack of updates and new articles, ladies and gentlemen.

If you have been keeping up with my notifications on Facebook, you would know that I have had my laptop die on me. The motherboard's fried and as much it would cost me to replace it, I could buy a new laptop - something I had my eye on doing anyway. I got a "loaner" from my dad, but I should have known that would have been just as bad as my parents aren't as "technical savvy" as myself. It did good for exactly ONE day, until it gave me the infamous "blue screen of death." Fortunately, it's the unmountable boot volume error and I'm hoping that I could replace that laptop's hard drive with the one salvaged from my old laptop since repairing the files (with the Windows XP installation disk) isn't working.

If that doesn't work, then I have already started looking around for a decent replacement. Plus, I have desktop to do the basic Internet browsing and checking email and such, but for the time being, recording and edit gameplay captures isn't going to be an option anytime soon. Going from 200+GB memory to less than 40GB is going to hurt me for the time being, but I'll bounce back like I always do.

Enough with the bad news, how about some good news?

I believe Bou has already started working on her video walkthrough for Assassin's Creed II and I have already spoken with another friend who will be more than happy to provide an in-depth review on both the current generation and next-gen (namely PlayStation 4) versions of Battlefield 4 when it launches. Why don't I write that review you ask? I'm not a FPS person, so I would prefer someone who is more knowledgeable on that franchise and genre to do the review. Also, if you loved Bou's walkthrough on the original Assassin's Creed, show her some love and subscribe to her channel.

Other articles in the works:

- Allow Me to (Re)Introduce Myself  -- A little bio on myself as the humble writer of this blog as my thanks from many of you guys' kind messages and comments about how much you enjoy my work over the last few years.

- REVIEW -- Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

- REVIEW -- The Grandmaster (2013)

- REVIEW -- Hulk & The Agents of S.M.A.S.H. - Series Premiere: "Doorway to Destruction" Pt. 1 & 2

- REVIEW -- Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season One Finale: "Showdown"

- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, MY Way -- Rewriting The Plot -- For a LONG time, I have wanted to rewrite this game's narrative using Marvel and Capcom's lore and history to tell a proper narrative on why both of these universes have clashed. Don't expect this write-up to come anytime soon as it's going to take a while for me to get this right.

- REVIEW -- Legend of Korra - Season Two Premiere

- What's New In The Arena -- I know that I haven't updated The Arena in some time now and I'm going to get on that in the coming months.

- And much, much more!!

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