This won't be the first time that you guys will see me use this format as I was stretched on free time last week to write up the reviews on both this and last new episode of Beware the Batman.

Unlike my last few write-ups, this isn't going to be particularly long.

Episode Synopsis: (Some Spoilers)

Episode 5: Blood Feud

The Avengers face-off with Dracula and his vampire army after Dracula had partially converted Black Widow into a vampire.

Episode 6: Super-Adaptoid

The Avengers are out-gunned by the high-tech, power-mimicking Super-Adaptoid, and Captain America is the last man standing against the ultimate artificial intelligence, created by Justin Hammer.

The Verdict: 

Blood Feud

This episode gets props from me for actually re-introducing the Marvel Universe version of Dracula to the masses. He is lesser known Marvel villain but definitely up there on par with Red Skull and Doctor Doom in terms of sheer dominance and presence in battle. This episode manages to explain the absence of Black Widow during the attack of the Midgard Serpent as SHIELD sent her on a special assignment, which had her trailing the activities of Dracula's forces. Somehow, things went sour and she winds up becoming one of Dracula's pawns. 

One thing that is starting to annoy me is that they always have Hulk fighting with other members over food. The first few episodes it was over the cookies that The Falcon's mom had baked, now it's over who ate the last of the peanut butter. Apparently, Hawkeye was the one who did that and isn't brave enough to own up to it and I don't blame him on that one.

Another thing that annoyed on this episode was that Iron Man pretty much ignored all of Captain America's warnings concerning Dracula and his minions. He brushed it off as it were some child's fairy tale when they already have an Asgardian as an ally so this stuff can't be mere fiction. Of course, Stark cooks up the "cure" to vampirism that I honestly can't agree with. I have read too many Anne Rice novels and read up on nosferatu mythology for too many years to count to even buy that, but whatever, it's a kids' show and it's supposed to be stupid anyway. For the record, I wasn't too fond of The Batman vs. Dracula animated movie either but that's a story for another day. Dracula's teeth should have broken off the second he tried to bite Hulk in the first place, but that's just my opinion.

The battle against Dracula and his minions isn't really exciting compared to the epic battle against the Midgard Serpent and Doctor Doom in Episode 4. While I enjoyed this trek into Dracula's domain, the action and plot for this episode really didn't deliver as well as I hoped. As a result, I'm giving this episode a 2.75 out of 5


This episode exists as Captain America's chance to shine, just like Episode 3 was The Falcon's moment to prove his worth on this team. This was the first time where I felt that this iteration of Captain America was on par to the high standard that Earth's Mightiest Heroes left on his character. It says a lot as I'm not even remotely a fan of Captain America in the slightest, but I appreciate what he represents on this team - unparalleled determination and courage. While the other Avengers are recycling their tired and true tactics against the Super-Adaptoid, Captain America is the only member looking at this situation from outside the box. Stark's ego gets the better of him in this episode more than the Super-Adaptoid does he cannot fathom that Justin Hammer's technology could possibly compete with his own Stark Tech. 

I know I'm not the only one who had flashbacks to this moment in Earth's Mightiest Heroes when Stark and Rogers were challenging each other at the start of the episode:

We should all know that Stark hates when Cap is right. There's more to a fight than who has the better or most fancy gadgets or super powers. And much like this blog, there's always a method to one's madness. Sadly, the egotistical Justin Hammer couldn't see that. I found it interesting that Red Skull would allow him to audition for a spot within the Cabal.

Also for those who don't know, the Super-Adaptoid is on par with Amazo from DC Comics that appeared recently in both Justice League Unlimited and Young Justice, which has come very close to defeating these popular superhero teams with it's array of stolen and replicated superpowers and abilities. To see that the Red Skull has decided to welcome it into The Cabal already has me excited to see who join their ranks during the duration of these 'auditions'.

Without a shadow of a doubt, this has been their best episode to date in my eyes. Finally, Man of Action is digging deep and actually listening to the fans about what made EMH great. I give this episode a 4 out of 5

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