Beware the Batman got off to questionable start, but the next two episodes really picked up. This series is looking to be rather promising, despite this unorthodox style of computer animation. I guess we all can't judge a book by it's cover, eh? It's the same mistake most nerds made with Star Wars: The Clone Wars and look how popular that became after people stopped being so jaded about it's animation style and gave it a fair chance.

I won't deny that this show looked absolutely stupid at first glance in the trailers, but I'm glad that I sat down and gave it a fair chance.

Episode Synopsis:

Episode 2: Secrets

Batman is hot on the heels of an extremely clever and dangerous thief named Magpie, who not only sports razor sharp talons laced with poison and an invulnerability to pain, but she also steals the memories of her victims. But Batman is not the only one on her trail. Lt. James Gordon is after her as well....and the two will ultimately go head-to-head to catch that thief.

Episode 3: Tests

A new criminal mastermind has arrived to challenge Batman, for control of the Streets of Gotham City: Anarky. Resembling a ghost image of Batman, Anarky prides himself on his brilliance – and intends to prove it to Batman by manipulating a pair of unsuspecting street pawns named Daedalus and Junkyard Dog to do his bidding. But Anarky’s real plan is far more devastating....seeking to create a disaster seen by all of Gotham and proving once and for all that even the great Batman is powerless to protect his fair city from the clutches of Anarky.

The Verdict: 


This episode saw the debut of Magpie as we were treated to Batman's unique detective skills in this series. The way Batman puts the pieces of a puzzle together is similar to Sherlock Holmes himself as he systematically uses the smallest clue to figure out the bigger picture. I loved the scene where Tatsu and Alfred were having breakfast and Bruce instantly deduces their history from Tatsu's body mannerisms and conversational tone with him.

I'm glad that they went with a revamped look to Magpie as her retro look had like three mohawks. Still, I wasn't too fond that they gave her too much of a Catwoman vibe for my taste. I think the best part of this episode was brief exchange between Batman and a much younger James Gordon, who is still pretty skeptical on the vigilante. I wish more of this episode could have dealt with more information on Magpie's damaged psyche instead of revealing it at the end, when I know most people already guessed her identity already. She's an interesting, yet relatively unknown Batman rogue and much like Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad in the premiere episode, I'm glad that this series is focusing on Batman's lesser known rogues. Save the common villains for later seasons if this show picks up more viewers.

This episode made me appreciate that this show is using a much younger and greener Batman than the seasoned veteran of crime-fighting that most fans of the character are accustomed to. This Batman is vulnerable and makes mistakes - a lot more human than his previous iterations. While I'm still not too fond of Alfred looking like a bulked up former street thug, I think I can learn to like Tatsu Yamashiro's character, even though it's a pretty big stretch to her backstory and origins.

Secrets earns a solid 3 out of 5 from me.


From the way how Anarky was introduced in this episode as contrast to the Caped Crusader, I can tell he is going to be a major player in this series. You can quote me on that now. He gave me that same vibe that I got from Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight that you can't just ignore. Anarky is going to do everything in his power to push this amateur Batman to his limits and beyond. While I don't see Anarky being his Joker for this series nor this series' Kira to Batman's L (Death Note reference), I can see that Anarky will help to iron out the mystery on what Batman represents to people of Gotham on both sides of justice.

Sadly, in this episode, Anarky is pretty far from being Batman's intellectual equal. In a sort of mock twist on the catch-22 found The Dark Knight, Batman easily conquers the dilemma set up by Anarky. With Anarky's narrow escape while Batman dealt with the bombs, you just know this game between them is far from over.

Tatsu seems to be enjoying the hoops that Bruce Wayne has her jumping through as he had her on a wild goose chase throughout the entire episode. I really hope she's not as naive and dumb as she's putting on. He's been sprinkling the clues around for a reason. Maybe there's hope that she put the pieces of the puzzle together as the episode ends with her watching Batman leaving.

Tests gets a 3.5 out of 5

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